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SCIENCE HAS SPOKEN: Fauci Says we should prepare for a 'pretty bad flu season' and the replies are LOL

Do you guys remember when we had the regular flu and people got normal sick before COVID?

Welp, Dr. Fauci has given an interview and has said the United States needs to prepare for a ‘pretty bad flu season’ along with COVID cases.


OK so look, we at Twitchy do not think it is funny for anyone to get sick. This should be a given but we need to say it.

All of that being said, after everything Dr. Fauci and the CDC and many governors who tend to be DEMOCRATS have put us through over COVID, the replies to this interview were quite hilarious and therefore Twitchy-worthy.

Welp, there you go everyone. SCIENCE ITSELF HAS SPOKEN! That one made us chuckle.

Right? We thought we were all supposed to be dead already. Not that death is funny, it is really sad, and what COVID did to millions is really sad, but the fact that Fauci or anyone else thinks we should trust or listen to them after how they destroyed so many lives IS funny.

Looked like several people were NOT willing to go back to masking.

Full disclosure: This editor has 0 immune system and sometimes wore a mask before COVID, has had swine flu, bird flu, and COVID at least 3 times possibly 4 so the mask may be a thing we do, try not to judge us. We won’t blame you if you do though.


Others were more positive! There is a bright side to everything!

Others are amazed the flu is back. It did not seem like anyone has gotten the flu since 2020.

Finally, there was an overwhelming sentiment that nobody trusts anything Fauci has to say anymore.

We tend to agree. It is time for Fauci to walk off the stage and leave us alone.

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