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Latest liberal outrage is over ... Martin's potato rolls?

Martin’s Famous Potato Rolls and Bread has drawn the ire of leftists once it was discovered a board member made a private donation to Pennsylvania gubernatorial hopeful Doug Mastriano’s campaign.


Martin’s is based in Chambersburg, PA and was first established in 1955 when the family began the business by baking bread out of a one-car garage. It’s gone on to become the supplier of other local businesses, such as Federal Donuts, and it’s potato buns are sold across the country. It’s quite the American success story, and we can’t have that, can we?

We wonder who started this ‘customer consternation’. We don’t know about anyone else but when we come across a good potato bun we don’t really stop to check its politics. We also wonder how we got to the point where you can’t even have a sandwich.

Just eat, already.

Federal Donuts, another Pennsylvania based business, has decided to cave and use an out-of-state supplier instead:

Federal Donuts has found a new potato roll for its signature fried chicken sandwiches.


The Philly chicken-donuts-coffee specialist is saying goodbye to Central Pennsylvania bread brand Martin’s — which it has used since introducing sandwiches to the menu in 2015.

Instead, the brand will start using the Schmidt Old Tyme Potato Roll made by Baltimore-born Schmidt Baking Company. A spokesperson for FedNuts on Tuesday confirmed the menu change to Billy Penn.

Martin’s issued a statement back when the controversy first started:

We think it’s a pretty good one. What the online outrage mob repeatedly (and we suspect deliberately) ignores is every company has many moving parts, and it’s impossible to police every employee’s beliefs, nor should any employer want to. Boycotts rarely tend to hurt the people in charge, but they will hurt the people they employ.

The boycott did rally locals to support the company:


As always, the best answer to a boycott is a buycott.

And … they really are delicious.

Editor’s note: We corrected the location of Matin’s base. – sj

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