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Justice Deferred: John Roberts' Weak Response to Activist Judges Has Conservative X in an UPROAR

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Today, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, issued a statement concerning President Donald Trump's calls to impeach Judge Boasberg, who had ordered the administration to turn around a plane full of illegal alien gang members as it was en route to El Salvador.


Here's what Roberts said:

The post concludes:

'For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.'

Conservatives are not happy with this statement. At all.

To this writer, it sure seems like a cop-out as federal judges seem determined to undermine the Trump administration on the extra-legal grounds of 'Orange Man Bad.'

The entire post reads:

If Chief Justice Roberts wants to minimize attacks on out of control appointed leftwing district court judges abusing their role and claiming to be able to overrule the elected President of the United States on management details that are clearly within his role as defined by the Constitution and the Federalist Papers then he should intervene and overrule these absurd power grabs. The Chief Justice can defend the Court by overruling bad judges before the Executive and Legislative Branches start acting against them. The burden is on the Chief Justice not the President.


Gingrich is correct.

The least of his worries.

This post reads:

Our Constitution gives John Roberts no power whatsoever when it comes to judicial impeachment, and it certainly doesn’t give him the power to “reject” congressional impeachment when and if it comes. 

In fact, this unbridled arrogance from Roberts is the precise reason judicial impeachment is now being demanded for rogue judges. Had Roberts done his job and restrained inferior judges from overstepping their bounds and claiming for themselves authority and power which does not belong to them, we would not find himself in this predicament. These calls are happening precisely because of John Roberts, not in spite of him. 

What John Roberts needs to understand right now is that his continued cowardice in the face of lawless judicial insurrection against the elected government of the people—not rightful criticism of judges—is the fatal threat to the legitimacy of the judiciary he idolizes.

The more he acts like a craven politician, the more we are going to treat him like one. A smarter man than him would understand that the moment the Chief Justice is viewed more as a slimy politician than a fair judge, it’s over for him and his precious judiciary.


All of this.

He's certainly not making himself any friends with this.

Alienate them he has, alas.

Republicans seem undeterred by Roberts' comments, however. Rep. Brandon Gill of Texas filed articles of impeachment against Judge Boasberg today:

We've not heard the end of this, not by a long shot.

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