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DOOMED: Milwaukee Public Schools Hire DISASTROUS Superintendent Who Was FIRED From Boston Public Schools

AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger

Not too long ago, we told you how Wisconsin public schools are foundering. Only 31% of students are proficient in reading. In the state's biggest urban district -- Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) -- things are even worse. Almost 50% of MPS students are Black, and they are dead last in fourth grade reading and math scores, scoring just 8% and 5% proficient, respectively.


Now MPS has hired a new superintendent and this damning thread shows things are about to get much worse for students in the city of Milwaukee.

Buckle up.

It's pretty sad when Minnesota has higher standards than you. They elected Tim Walz governor, after all.

On the upside, looks like she won't be in Milwaukee long.


She bankrupted the district.

When mainstream media start reporting how bad you are, you must be really bad.

Great. Just great.

Kids in MPS deserve so much better.

They're not gonna get it, though.


Running a major urban school district requires focusing on the mundane aspects of the job.


This is fine. Totally fine. What could possibly go wrong here?


Oh my God.

Leadership! Or something.

She was fired. Let's be real here.

The Twin Cities dodged a bullet.


This is embarrassing. And that's putting it mildly.

She drove Boston Public Schools into the ground financially. She'll do the same to MPS.

Not a chance. She's Captain Smith heading right for the iceberg.

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