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Historically Illiterate Lefties Leave 'I Voted' Stickers on Pro-Life Susan B. Anthony's Grave


It would be a refreshing change of pace if the Left had one ounce of historical literacy. History is a rich, nuanced, and complicated thing that we can't apply modern day standards to, because it just doesn't work.


They try to rewrite it, however, because it suits their narratives and -- for the Left -- history only began yesterday. That makes it much easier to force their political agenda on people, because they have no foundation on which to build their society.

Susan B. Anthony was a feminist icon, true. But that's about the only thing this dude, and the women leaving their stickers on her grave, get right:

Given things Susan B. Anthony said while alive, we're skeptical she'd be all in for Kamala.

It really is.

Irony so thick, you could cut it with a knife.



One could certainly make this argument. Some poor soul has to scrape those stickers off.


But they're doing something! It's meaningless and stupid, but they're doing something!

The modern day Left's undermining of women would be deeply offensive to her brand of feminist.



The Lefty loons sure are screaming about racism. Because they have the intellectual capacity of a teaspoon.

EL. OH. EL. Right?

But here's the most important fact about Susan B. Anthony:

Weird how the modern-day Left overlook this.

Because Anthony was 100% correct.

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