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Excuse Us, but WHAT?! Watch Nancy Pelosi Straight Up Lies About Kamala Winning an Open Primary (WATCH)

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

We get it. Politicians lie all the time. But there was a period where they'd at least try to hide the lies or couch them in ways that made it not so obvious they were full of crap.


But now they're lying openly and brazenly because the media won't challenge them and their voters will still loyally pull the lever.

Here's Nancy Pelosi, who wins for the most egregious lie of the week, saying Kamala Harris won an open primary after Joe Biden was pushed out of the race.


Now, it's possible billions of us have collective amnesia and forgot the open primary happened.

It's also possible this writer will be the next Queen of England (and we like those odds better).

But the reality is this: the Democrats staged a coup to oust Biden and installed Kamala Harris.

There was no primary, open or otherwise.

And they call themselves the 'defenders of democracy.'


Her voters keep putting her back there.

They absolutely should be.

They shouldn't be elected to local dog catcher.



And pretty much any other Democrat would be leading Trump right now, instead of neck and neck (and on track to lose).

Oh well.

So, so many.


It's what she does best.

They sure do.

The people might make the 'wrong' choice.

But democracy. Or something.

She sure is.

And the person interviewing her doesn't challenge it. At all.

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