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Pathetic New York Times Tries, Fails to Backpedal on Trump Arlington Criticism

Journalism meme

Oh, look. Someone at The New York Times must've realized attacking Gold Star families is a bad campaign strategy for Kamala Harris.

Check out this soft backpedal on this piece:


So they admit Trump didn't do anything other politicians haven't done.

But it's somehow still worse because it's Trump.

They write:

Mr. Trump and his campaign published photos and video of the former president laying flowers and flashing a thumbs-up at the graves of Marines killed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan three years ago. Other graves are visible in the footage, including one of a Green Beret who died by suicide. The images are still online.

In Mr. McCain’s case, by contrast, the senator quickly moved to cut the cemetery footage — a two-second clip in which no particular grave is visible — from his campaign ad just days after the Army issued its statement. Mr. McCain said it was “stupidity” that his campaign had not acted even sooner to respond to the criticism.

Other candidates involved in similar incidents often quickly removed the images. In late 2015, John Bel Edwards, a Democrat running for governor in Louisiana, cut an image of Arlington National Cemetery from a campaign ad after its presence prompted a backlash. “When my husband and I see your commercial,” the mother of a man buried at the cemetery had written to Mr. Edwards, “we are both uncomfortable and disappointed to see the Arlington National Cemetery used for politics.”




They seem to forget that part.

They deserve it.

The lowest of the low.

They won't take the L.

They'll keep doubling down.

A week-long tantrum because Donald Trump embarrassed Kamala Harris.

Yeah, who was that?

A very unfunny joke.


Oh, they're not letting this go.

Yeah. Whatever this is.

Nope. Of course not.

Absolutely glorious.

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