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Jobs Report Revised DOWNWARD by 818,000 Jobs (LARGEST Negative Jobs Report Revision in FIFTEEN YEARS)

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

After some 'technical issues' delayed the release of revised jobs numbers from last year (April 2023 to March 2024), we now know just how bad the jobs market is (and how much the Biden-Harris administration was lying to us).


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) revised the report down by 818,000 jobs. That's the largest downward revision in 15 years.

Nearly a million jobs -- jobs the Biden-Harris administration bragged about repeatedly -- never existed.

More from CNBC:

The U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than originally reported in the 12-month period through March 2024, the Labor Department reported Wednesday.

As part of its preliminary annual benchmark revisions to the nonfarm payroll numbers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said the actual job growth was nearly 30% less than the initially reported 2.9 million from April 2023 through March of this year.

The revision to the total payrolls level of -0.5% is the largest since 2009. The numbers are routinely revised each month, but the BLS does a broader revision each year when it gets the results of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages.




Bingo. Couldn't be more clear than this.

They sure did.

Just a bit.

And some projections predicted up to one million jobs would be lost in this revision.

And if Kamala wins and enacts her policies, it'll get worse.


The American people who were looking for jobs, working multiple jobs, and still struggling to make ends meet knew this ages ago.

Yes. They were lying.

It'll be interesting to see how the Kamala campaign spins this, and how the poll numbers respond.

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