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Another 'Right-Wing Conspiracy' Confirmed: Watch DNC Attendee Admit He Wants GOP Replaced With Immigrants


At least they're honest enough to say the quiet part out loud and admit they want a country completely free of conservatives and Republicans.

We thought the 'great replacement theory' was just a 'Right-wing myth'. Chalk another one up for the conspiracy theorists.



Bet he's a blast at parties.

But Republicans are a 'threat to freedom', right?

And nothing good can come of this.

Gave away the game, didn't he?

Or raped, or murdered.

But I'm going to guess he thinks that's preferable to living with Republicans.

They're insane.

Doing the actual work is the government's job, naturally.

Which is why they don't believe in charity.


Good Lord. If this is true, what a ghoul.

Must've been in a longer cut, but his answer would undoubtedly be zero. That's a sacrifice others have to make.

This guy should be featured in a GOP ad.

We bet he'd call the police he'd like defunded in a heartbeat if that happened.

But the DNC is joyful! Nothing but unicorns and rainbows!

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