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Politico Whines Trump Undermining Legitimacy of Kamala's Candidacy (Spoiler: Democrats Did That)


The Democrats have and will continue to make 'defending democracy' a cornerstone of their campaign. Expect that to come up a lot at the DNC.

Only their die-hard base and the media (but we repeat ourselves) actually believe this. Because you need look no further than Kamala Harris' candidacy for president to know it's a lie. They don't like democracy. They like power.


And they'll do whatever it takes to gain and preserve it.

Kamala Harris has gotten zero primary votes this year and -- in 2020 -- had zero delegates. Even the Democratic Party base rejected her.

But here's Politico, carrying all the water for Kamala's campaign:

They write:

For former President Donald Trump, the 2024 race is a contest between him and Vice President Kamala Harris. And President Joe Biden.

During a rally in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, Trump repeatedly blamed Harris and Democrats for Biden dropping out of the race more than a month ago — undermining Harris’ legitimacy as a candidate and highlighting his one-time opponent.

He claimed, without evidence, that the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week is “rigged” because Biden isn’t on the ticket. He said Biden is a worse debater than Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, who suffered a stroke. And Trump accused the media of being biased in favor of the president.

We love the 'without evidence' part -- Democratic primary voters chose Joe Biden. He dropped out and Kamala replaced him without a single vote cast for her.

'Rigged' is certainly a legitimate argument to make here.

But when Joe Biden says something without evidence, the media turn a blind eye or pass it off as a 'gaffe'. Heck, Joe Biden can lie -- take the 'very fine people on both sides' remark -- and the media run with it as if it were gospel truth.


A big, fat zero.


And if given a choice, we'd wager they'd reject her in the primaries again.

But Trump called it 'rigged' without 'evidence'!


And they spin it to make Trump look like the bad guy here.

And screaming about and screaming about. Right up until it doesn't serve them anymore.



Except for all the evidence.

And Kamala didn't get a single vote.

No, it's not how words work. But it's how political partisan hackery does.

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