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WATCH: Kamala FINALLY Answers Questions From the Media and It Goes As Well As You'd Expect

AP Photo/Alex Gallardo

Kamala Harris finally answered a question from the media today and it went exactly as we thought it would:


That's a non-answer.

LOL -- he sure was.

Their faces say it all.

Same vibes.

She apparently does have an economics degree. She should probably get a refund.

Surprised she didn't pepper a couple 'dualities' in there.


If we get returns on our investments, those returns on our investments will help with future returns on our investments.

She's certainly no Ronald Reagan.

It's so cringeworthy.

We're not quite sure what she said.

Walz and his wife are looking at their shoes, and Emhoff is staring off into the distance.


Such great vibes.

Or during the past 3.5 years.

They know she's bad at this. Voters know she's bad at this. The media know she's bad at this.

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