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Guess That Didn't Work: Hours After Newsom Signs 'Smash and Grab' Crime Bill, Mob Ransacks Three Stores

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli

Whoopsie daisy. 

Yesterday, we told you about California Democrats -- including Gov. Gavin Newsom -- desperately trying to pass a watered down crime bill before Proposition 36 goes up for a vote. The Democrats oppose Proposition 36, put on the ballot following an organized effort of businesses and citizens to collect the required signatures, because it will 'disproportionately' impact low-income people who commit the most crimes.


Newsom instead signed this bill and shortly after doing so, a mob ransacked three convenience stores in under a half and hour:

Womp womp.

More from NEWSMAX:

Hours after California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a crime bill to stop "smash and grabs," a bicycling mob ransacked three Hollywood 7-Eleven stores in under 25 minutes.

NBC Los Angeles reported that the first store was hit shortly after 8 pm. The bike gang reportedly broke into the store, stealing food and beverages, and left the store with a broken window. Just 16 minutes later, a second 7-Eleven near Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue was attacked, during which an employee was allegedly assaulted. A third store on Santa Monica Boulevard was hit at 8:22 pm.

Speaking to reporters during the signing of the bill, Newsom stated, "The impact on poor folks, the impact on Black and Brown communities, it's next level. And it doesn't address what they're saying. I've seen this movie over and over and over again. It's – it's exactly who we're not as a state."


But Newsom opposes Proposition 36, which would impose even harsher penalties on such crimes.

California has been so soft on crime for so long, of course they don't. They can get away with this and will continue to do so until leadership changes at the state and local levels.

Totally. He's got a great track record in California.

Oh. Wait.

Or tolerate DAs who don't prosecute them.

Plenty of blame to go around here.

Of course we do.


The criminals certainly don't.

And why should they? When have they faced serious consequences for their actions?

Exactly. It's all a farce.

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