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SO MUCH SCIENCE: Anthropologist Told She Can't Gender Remains Because We Don't Know How They Identified


Remember science? Remember when the pursuit of objective truth meant rationally questioning, rigorously testing hypotheses, and reporting the results without political bias?


Good times.

But the times, as they say, are a-changin'. Science has now become a cultish quasi-religion for the Left, and woe to those of you who don't bow down to its ever-evolving dogmas.

Elizabeth Weiss, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, had a conversation with Michael Shermer of Skeptic, and guess what -- anthropologists can't 'assume' the gender of the remains they find because we don't know if that person 'identified' as male or female.

Science is dead. Wokeism killed it.

More from Skeptic:

Archaeologist Elizabeth Weiss’s new book, On the Warpath, is an autobiographical account of her storied career on the front lines of the culture war in our colleges and universities. Her opposition to the reburial of Native American skeletal remains, her insistence that indigenous knowledge is not science but myth, and her fight against wokeism and political correctness in academia exposed her to numerous controversies and cancel culture campaigns, and a court case.

A photograph of Weiss with a skull — as natural to anthropologists as a doctor being pictured with a stethoscope — led to her university shutting her out of the collection and changing the locks. This became an international news story, as did the American Anthropological Association canceling one of her presentations because she explained that a skeleton’s sex is binary and not gender fluid.


This is going to do untold damage to not only science, but healthcare and our understanding of the world. But the Left only cares that we don't 'misgender' someone.

The rest of society be damned, apparently.

Gender and sex are whatever the Left needs them to be on any given day for the sake of politics.

Because there is no such thing as a religion-free society. Nature abhors a vacuum. Science morphed into their religion, and they ruined it in the process.

Sure will.

Nailed it.



The progressive Left are anti-intellectuals, anti-rational, and anti-science.

None whatsoever.

Sane people need to reclaim science. ASAP.

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