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Absolutely Vile Rag New Yorker Tries to Dunk on J.D. Vance With Deep Dive Into His Grandparents' Marriage

Journalism meme

The Left has reached the point of this presidential election where they're throwing whatever mud they can at the wall in the hopes something will stick. So far, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance has been accused of being 'weird', of having sex with a couch (a blatant lie), criticized for how he walks his dog, and attacked for being a normal teenager.


None of those lines of attack have really landed, so the media are pivoting to going after his grandparents' marraige.

You don't despise the media enough.

Here's the garbage they're passing off as reporting:

None of these findings destroys the portrait of two teen-agers leaving their lives behind in Appalachia and striking out to create a better life for themselves in the industrializing Midwest. But the surprising elisions work to exaggerate Bonnie and Jim’s circumstances, putting dents in Vance’s version of their plucky, up-by-the-bootstraps story.

Bonnie and Jim’s marriage was, at times, deeply troubled—in Vance’s telling, both of his grandparents were violent, and Jim was a vicious drunk. But Vance praises them in his memoir and elsewhere for sticking it out. Later in the marriage, Vance writes in “Elegy,” they “separated and then reconciled, and although they continued to live in separate houses, they spent nearly every waking hour together.” (The relationship seems to have improved immensely, Vance observes, after Jim Vance quit drinking, in 1983.) 


Absolutely disgusting. But par for the course for the media these days.

You'd think that would've caused a deeply troubled marriage between Brown and his wife, no?

But Vance spoke highly of his grandparents for not getting divorced! He's a monster.

So disgusting.

You won't be missed.

This is almost an insult to psychopaths.

Trump was right when he called the media the enemy of the people.


And they think they're the good guys.


They're not.

They need to lose bigly.

And this is why people don't get into politics. They know full well the media will dig into their past, their families, and try to destroy it all to protect the Democrats.

They're trying to prove he lied.

Or something.

And grasping at straws in the process.


You'd think, but it's (D)ifferent rules for their candidates.

When hell freezes over.

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