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RIP Science: Neil deGrasse Tyson Says Feelings, Not Chromosomes Determine Gender

Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP

Remember when 'follow the science' was a thing during COVID? How the Left would scream it when they demanded mask mandates (which didn't work), social distancing (which didn't work), and COVID vaccines (which didn't work).


For years, the Left also said that we needed to do away with backward, ignorant religion in the public sphere. Doing so, they told us, would usher in a new era of rational, science-based thinking and progress. We'd evolve into a futuristic utopia based on logic and reason.

Except we're a post-logic, post-reason, and -- now -- a post-science culture.

Science has become the new public sphere religion, and it's evolved into a cult where there can be 57 genders and things like chromosomes don't matter anymore.

Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks things like DNA don't determine gender. Oh no. Gender is now determined by how you feel on any given day.

We liked him better when he was an insufferable blowhard, and a wet blanket about Santa and the latest 'Top Gun' movie.

We'd also like to remind you know that Tyson is an astrophysicist, and not a biologist. Do with that what you will.


Or he's let his political ideology cloud his scientific thinking.

That's precisely what it is -- a game.

A game that is damaging science, and trust in the scientific community.

Feelings over facts is a bad way to run a society, FWIW.


Every last shred of integrity.

Tyson attended Harvard, Columbia, and the University of Texas Austin. He should know better.


Your feelings don't change your DNA.

Bingo. Bill Nye is not an expert. At least Tyson has the degrees to back up his title. Shame he doesn't actually believe in science anymore, though.

This is a) brutal, b) brilliant, and c) hilarious.



Because the nonsense Tyson's spouting is what they call 'science' these days.


He's incapable of staying quiet.

'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.'

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