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JUSTICE? Activists in Jackson, MS Decide Solution to Neighborhood's Crime Is to Punish Gas Station Owner

Meme screenshot

The Left is willing to explore any and all options to reducing crime -- including stripping you of your Second Amendment rights -- but they're never willing to do the one thing that works: put criminals behind bars.


In Jackson, MS, activists -- including Councilman Kenneth Stokes -- have decided the solution to crime in a neighborhood is to make a gas station owner shut down his business.


The post continues:

Councilman Kenneth Stokes says he will bring a vote of no confidence against the city's legal department for not shutting down the gas station sooner

“Where people suffer harm or injury, it’s got to be considered a nuisance. How many people have to die here before they realize it’s harmful?” Councilman Stokes said.

This is the embodiment of the Left: punish the innocent. Perhaps the legal department hasn't shut down the gas station because it's not doing anything illegal.

The gas station owner is an innocent victim trying to provide goods and services to his community. This writer could see a justifiable argument for shutting down a business that was attracting crime -- like a bar or a strip club or a pawn shop -- but this is a gas station.

It's not the owner's fault criminals commit crimes.

Why doesn't Councilman Stokes hold a vote of no confidence in the DA for not prosecuting crimes? Or the police for not arresting criminals and patrolling the area?


Oh, perhaps it's because Councilman Stokes told constituents to throw bottles and rocks at police back in 2016, and it wasn't a one-off.


It's literally Councilman Stoke's job to protect the community. And the best he's got is to shut down businesses.

Then he'll turn around and, like the rest of the Democratic Party, scream 'RACISM' when stores close in high crime areas.

They do not.

As we mentioned above, Councilman Stokes told people to throw things at police going after criminals.

This is the equivalent of the 'If she wasn't wearing a short skirt' mentality.

Realize where we are.


We hope the owner gets help fighting this.

Which provides necessary goods and services to that community.

Much science. Major logic.

But that would be racist and unfair. Or something.

As predictable as the sun rising in the east.

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