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Media Who TOTALLY Wouldn't Lie to You Insist Trump Will Replace JD Vance With Nikki Haley


You don't despise the media enough. Not only are they circling the wagons to protect Kamala Harris, they are going to spread lies and rumors about Donald Trump and his campaign.


Facts and reality be damned. They will do whatever it takes to defeat Trump.

So, keeping that in mind, this piece from Newsweek is utterly laughable.

Sure, Jan.

We totally believe you. Just like we believed the garbage in The Atlantic.

Tell us more about how Kamala wasn't the border czar.

They write:

Rumors of Trump suffering buyer's remorse after choosing Vance as his 2024 running mate have been rampant since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

While Trump has publicly insisted that he is happy with Vance, saying the senator is "doing a fantastic job" and has been "very well received" by the public during a Fox News interview on Thursday, worries remain about whether the Ohio senator could be a liability for Republicans in November.

Paul Begala, who served as White House adviser and chief strategist during Clinton's successful 1992 campaign, suggested during a CNN appearance on Thursday night that Trump may decide to ditch Vance in favor of former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.


Let's recap.

Just the other day, Newsweek was repeating the lie Trump wasn't actually shot.

Now they're quoting an ex-Clinton staffer about the Donald Trump campaign.

Don't believe the bulls**t they're pedaling.

How would a Democrat operative have any clue about the Trump campaign?

No one with a functioning brain is buying it.

Absolutely brutal.

The media also had to delete an X-rated story about JD Vance.

Don't believe a word they say.

Our sentiments exactly.



El. Oh. El.

This made us laugh out loud.

Isn't that how this works?

And no one should take him seriously. Or Newsweek, for that matter.

We are watching -- in real time -- the media lie and spin to protect Kamala and bolster her campaign. We watched them lie to us for years about Biden's cognitive decline (and decades before that).

We shouldn't trust them at all.

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