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Radicals Hire Radicals: Harris Campaign Graphic Designer Has History of Calling for Political Violence

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The members of a candidates staff reflect who the candidate is, and what he or she is willing to tolerate.

We already know Kamala Harris has thrown support behind BLM/Antifa rioters -- even raising funds to bail them out of prison pretrial -- so it really isn't surprising one of her campaign staffers, graphic designer Ana Rice, is also a Leftist radical who supports arson and political violence.


More from The New York Post:

The lead graphic designer for the Harris for President campaign premiered the campaign’s new logo design this week, receiving millions of impressions and praise on X for the 24-hour rebranding.

But on the same account, the Brooklyn-based designer has a long history of urging political violence and crime.

[M]e and my designers made this. [T]his is crazy,” wrote Ana Cherée Rice, 32, on Monday. Accompanying the post was the official new campaign logo declaring “Harris for President” in blue and red text. 

Rice’s professional social media pages list her pronouns and her interest in diversity, inclusion and equity. But a scratch behind her public X profile “@theanarice,” where she regularly promotes her work, shows support for extreme political violence, a sympathy for communism and even hatred of the Democrats she is working for. 

As violent BLM-Antifa deadly rioting and arson attacks took hold in Minneapolis in late May 2020 after George Floyd died, Rice posted on then-Twitter, demanding her comrades “burn all that sh— down.”

The following day, on May 29, she was at a riot in New York City where she was detained by the NYPD.


If we had a journalist class, they'd ask Kamala about this.

They won't.

This made us giggle.

We're not surprised.

At all.

Yeah. Pretend shock is all we've got, too.


In that same vein. Brutal.

Imagine what her Cabinet and White House staff would be like.

We don't believe for a minute Rice wasn't vetted.

She was.

And the campaign was okay with the stuff she said and posted.

Oh, never change, X. Never change.


Not that we're aware of.

Which says a lot -- the sane Democrats are avoiding her campaign like the plague.

Wonder why.

That old news adage still rings true.

Yep. California policies on a national scale.

Pretending, with an assist from the media.

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