The delusion is strong with this one.
We are honestly at a loss to understand how someone can say -- with a straight face -- that the press gives Biden tougher coverage than they do Trump.
They scrutinize every word Trump says and make up lies about him on a daily basis.
But Dem strategist Keith Edwards thinks the media just doesn't give Trump the same level of scrutiny they do Biden.
I think Biden can handle the scrutiny.
— Keith Edwards (@keithedwards) July 6, 2024
I just wish the press treated Trump the same way they're treating Biden.
He's. Serious.
They're so mad the media are finally acting like journalists and reporting on Biden's failing health.
You mean with kid gloves, and ignoring any of his bad traits for four years??
— Justin Hart (@justin_hart) July 6, 2024
Yes. Just like that.
As a lifelong Democrat, the press has been extremely biased against Trump. This is actually the first time Biden has had any degree of acrutiny applied to him by the mainstream media
— JRS (@jrs_1202) July 6, 2024
All truth.
I think every Trump supporter also wish the media treated Trump and any Democrat even remotely equally, or even as if it were the same job of scrutiny over adoration and propaganda
— Semenproducingindividual (@Semenproducer) July 6, 2024
The media doesn’t have to go soft on Trump, but they could stop regurgitating every Democrat lie
That would be a refreshing change of pace.
No, Biden is just getting a taste of what Trump has been getting from the corporate news media for the last eight years and it seems unfair because it's never happened to a Democrat before.
— R R Holiman (@RRholiman) July 6, 2024
Exactly this.
They don't like taking a dose of their own medicine.
I’ll never understand how people can see things this way. It’s simply not even remotely true. In fact, we’ve never seen MSM report on a democrat like we are seeing right now. It’s not unfair at all, just very, very rare.
— PenitentThief (@ThiefPenitent) July 6, 2024
Very rare.
Hall of fame Hang this tweet in the Louvre
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) July 6, 2024
Right next to the Mona Lisa.
At some point you’re going to have to accept that Trump’s voters do not care what the media reports about Trump because the media has no credibility with them.
— Cheese For Everyone! (@CheeseForEvery1) July 6, 2024
It's not just Trump voters with whom the media have lost credibility. Any decent thinking person finally sees them for what they are: partisan, lying hacks.
If anything is true we can all agree on, it's that the press is overly biased in favor of Trump.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) July 6, 2024
Totally biased.
Democrats saying the press is not critical enough of Trump is a mindset that not even the world's greatest neurosurgeon could decipher.
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) July 6, 2024
It really is a mindset.
wait what
— LouLou 🐾🐾 (@Flaaaaalala) July 6, 2024
He means it, which is the funniest part.
The idea that corporate media is friendly to Trump is deranged. Absolutely deranged.
— Lukas Moore (@MooreLukas) July 6, 2024
Believing in Unicorns is more plausible.
Yes it is.
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