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'Expect a Prison Sentence': Climate Goons Vandalize Stonehenge; May FINALLY Face Consequences

Ben Birchall/PA via AP

There is no facet of Western culture the climate goons won't vandalize in the name of 'bringing awareness' to their cause.

As if we need more awareness -- the media and the Left (but we repeat ourselves) hammer it into our brains daily. But no, we're not giving up our cars or eating the bugs. Deal with it.


This time, the 'Just Stop Oil' idiots vandalized Stonehenge.

They can't create anything, they can't build anything, and they can't defend their positions. So like all good commies, they destroy the beautiful things others have created. It's not about 'raising awareness' but destroying culture to rebuild it as a communist hellhole.

The vandals insist their vandalism will 'wash away' with the rain.

Except, it won't, according to some pending Community notes, and this reply from the official Stonehenge X account;

We are begging for a prison sentence.

This is an insult to two-year-olds.


They are incapable of such self-awareness.

Heck, they use oil-based products -- their phones, clothes, shoes -- and don't get the hypocrisy.

So be it.

The Left loves to say they respect ancient cultures, but they vandalize something sacred to those ancient cultures. Right before the summer solstice, too.

Talk about bad karma, on top of just being plain old jerks.

More people need to stand up and stop it. Were they to try this in front of this writer, it would stop.

Okay, we laughed.



Can't. You're correct.

We'll allow it.

Stonehenge won't use gas powered cars anymore, we're sure.

It's long past time.


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