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New Yorker Writer WHINES That Trump Movie May Not Be Available in U.S., Calls It 'Chilling'


The Donald Trump movie 'The Apprentice' was well-received at Cannes, because Orange Man Bad. But -- despite the fact distributors in Canada, France, Germany and elsewhere have picked up the movie -- distributors in the U.S. are less keen to jump on the film.


Jane Mayer of The New Yorker is very upset by this.

'Chilling' reason.

The reason is not so much chilling as economic. There's no market for this movie in the U.S. The die-hard TDSers will watch it, but most Americans -- including those who aren't MAGA -- really don't care. Why would a distributor pay for a film they're not going to make money on?

But no, it can't be that reason.

It's gotta be because Trump is so big and bad he's scared Hollywood into not criticizing him.

Yeah, that's it.

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Unfortunately, you may not get a chance to anytime soon, at least in the United States. Distributors have bought the rights to “The Apprentice” in Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, Japan and many other countries. But the filmmakers have yet to secure a deal to release it here, either theatrically or on streaming services.

Negotiations are ongoing, and domestic distribution could still come together. Yet the possibility that American audiences won’t be able to see “The Apprentice” isn’t just frustrating. It’s frightening, because it suggests that Trump and his supporters have already intimidated some media companies, which seem to be preemptively capitulating to him.

Some established distributors might simply be reluctant to take on “The Apprentice” because they think political films are money losers; as The Hollywood Reporter pointed out, Adam McKay’s 2018 Dick Cheney biopic, “Vice," was considered a “major flop.” But “The Apprentice” is a far buzzier film than “Vice,” and it appears from industry reporting that the movie industry is less worried about finding an audience than about poking the MAGA bear.


Media outlets are totally afraid of criticizing Trump.

Sure, Jan.

'Dear leader'? When was he reelected to any political office?

We'll circle back to that whole election interference thing in a minute, cause it's important.

The media all shill for the DNC.

Hollywood and the Democrats loved him when he was one of them.

Trump is the same person he was 30 years ago, except that his political party changed.

The Left turned a blind eye to the things they now hate about him back then, because they're hypocrites.

Now, let's get back to that election interference thing, cause it's fun:



The Left has complained about Citizens United for years, so it'll be fun to watch them squirm on this.

The Left would demand an exemption to the law if this was the case, and we all know it.

They're all DNC activists.

She sure did, and does.


Yes, they are.


It's that laughable.

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