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Like Peace and Quiet? Congrats, The Atlantic Says You're a Racist


Take a trip down memory lane with us. Back in 2017, the Left was all up in arms about noise pollution. The loud sounds of the city -- the places they want us all to live, because climate change -- were racist. No, really.


But because everything is racist, and logical consistency is anathema for the Left, silence is also racist.

Just ask the folks at The Atlantic:

Here's more on how you're racist for wanting quiet communities:

New York in the summer is a noisy place, especially if you don’t have money. The rich run off to the Hamptons or Maine. The bourgeoisie are safely shielded by the hum of their central air, their petite cousins by the roar of their window units. But for the broke—the have-littles and have-nots—summer means an open window, through which the clatter of the city becomes the soundtrack to life: motorcycles revving, buses braking, couples squabbling, children summoning one another out to play, and music. Ceaseless music.

So which is it, Lefties: 

Is noise pollution racism? Or is peace and quiet racism?


Pick one.

It's all they've got.

The Atlantic staff would be the first on the phone to the police if this happened in their neighborhoods.

That's racist, apparently.

Because reasons.

Yes, they do.


Yes -- and it sounds like us laughing at The Atlantic and its asinine claims.


Excellent catch.


Because reasons. 

The good news is when everything is racist, nothing is racist.

That's why Twitchy exists.



You don't despise the media enough.

That noise pollution that is also racist.

But it's par for the course for the Left.

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