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Sleight of Hand: Biden Administration Using Green Energy Funds to Pay Groups Opposed to Immigration Laws

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

There are a lot of layers to this story, but at the end of the day it boils down to this: imagine a Republican administration doing this.

The outrage would be radioactive.


More from The New York Post:

The Biden administration quietly funneled $50 million in taxpayer funds earmarked for clean energy to two groups that oppose immigration enforcement.  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tapped the New York Immigration Coalition and New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice as partners to distribute $50 million of $3 billion set aside in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for environmental and climate block grants, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Both groups’ missions have nothing to do with protecting the environment.

Biden has said anyone who denies climate change is "condemning" America to a dangerous future.

So what are people who take money earmarked for "clean energy" projects to flout immigration laws condemning America to, Mr. President?

Totally legit and not at all shady.


It seems we are.

Rotten and corrupt to the core.

Suuure it was.

So are all of us.

None whatsoever.

Decency is on the ballot. Norms. Or something.

The Wall Street Journal is also covering this.

It's totally fine though.


And nothing will come of this probe, unfortunately.

Would not surprise us.

But remember -- give up your cars, your AC, and meat. Eat the bugs. Live in the pod. Climate change will kill us all.

While Biden gives money earmarked for 'clean energy' to groups seeking to destroy our borders and undermine the rule of law.

So glad the adults are back in charge.

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