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HOT STUFF: Demark Recalls South Korean Spicy Ramen for 'Dangerous' Levels of Capsaicin


Spicy food. Some people love it. Some people hate it.

This writer doesn't hate it, but her body definitely does. So the thought of spicy ramen isn't so much delicious as it is painful.


In Denmark, the South Korean-based Samyang Foods saw some of its spicy ramen recalled for being too spicy.

'Acute poisoning'? We didn't know that was possible.


So apparently people enjoy their products, spicy as they are.


Probably a wise business move.


Excellent questions, all.


WHY would you add more?!

We laughed out loud.



The 'white fragility is real' cracks us up.

Yeah, that's a good indicator.

Hoo boy.

A solution.

And we'll leave you with this:


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