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Columbia U Newspaper Reporter Forced To Leave Campus After Writing Rolling Stone Antisemitism Piece

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We all know Rolling Stone has some significant issues, as Twitchy has covered in the past. From glorifying the Boston Marathon bomber to lying about the UVA rape story, it's contributed to the bad reputation the media has richly deserved.


But this time, they published a piece by Rebecca Massel, a Columbia University student and reporter for the campus newspaper, and got it right.

Massel writes:

THE TOPIC WAS justice and righteousness. I was sitting in my Contemporary Civilization class at Columbia University last month debating free will, when I received an email with the subject line “You are disgusting.” 

“I hope you...get what you deserve … you racist freak,” the email read.

The night before, as a senior staff writer for the Columbia Daily Spectator, I broke the news about an Israeli student who was allegedly assaulted on campus in broad daylight. Like the dozens of other news articles I have written, I thoroughly investigated before publishing the news. I interviewed the New York Police Department Deputy Commissioner of Public Information twice, the student who had reported the assault, and a friend of that student who was with him minutes after the altercation. We reached out to the alleged attacker for comment, and I reviewed video evidence of the incident. 

This email was not the only consequence for my publishing this story. Sidechat, an anonymous social media platform open to those with a Columbia email address, blew up with claims against me, my article, and the Spectator, calling the reporting racist and defamatory. The most glaring comments focused on my Jewishness and claimed that my identity compromised my writing, including assertions that the story was written with a “religious agenda.”



It has been normalized, and that's a very bad, dangerous thing.

No one should have to deal with this, and it's appalling it's happening.

No, this didn't just pop up after 10/7, it just spilled out into the open in a horrifying way.


Amazing that the people calling out antisemitism or expressing concerns about it are the ones getting pushed out and harassed.

It should never be acceptable.

And it gets worse.

How could anyone think this is acceptable?

Remember when the media said Trump's criticism and attacks on them as 'enemies of the people' was a threat to democracy and the First Amendment? Where are those people now that reporters are getting harassed off campus for reporting on antisemitism?

Yes, it would be.


It is a cancer, and it's widespread on college campuses. 

They haven't so far, but at least one school -- NYU -- has been sued, so maybe things will be changed.

And campuses are allowing it in ways they wouldn't allow any other things.

Yes, it is. The Left runs college campuses, and after years of demanding 'safe spaces', they are now using the bully pulpit to force their ideology on others and squash any sort of dissent or free speech.

Yes it is.


Yes it is. Absolutely insane. In America, in 2023 this is still happening.

It needs to be called out and stopped.


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