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Cassidy Hutchinson deemed as ‘reliable’ over her memory about ... ketchup?

We’ve seen a lot of swooning today over “surprise” January 6th committee witness Cassidy Hutchinson.


Well, probably not but whatever you need to tell yourself, George.

We suppose in some circles relaying information that you’ve heard and not personally witnessed could be considered heroic.

This tweet, however, is the absolute icing on the cake:


Ah yes, the ‘dripping ketchup’ standard of reliability. It’s always a dead giveaway for how credible a person’s testimony is.

Lest you think this tweeter is alone in her conviction of Cassidy’s credibility, take a gander at some of the replies:

Second-runner up in the ketchup controversy goes to this tweet:

A haunting image, to be sure. We can’t imagine how terrible that must have been, wiping ketchup off a wall. Maybe Cassidy Hutchinson is a hero after all.


We do understand that it is very, very important to some people to tie the events of January 6th to President Trump. We’re just not sure pinning your hopes on ketchup-related memories is the way to go.

Just kidding, yes we are.

We tend to agree more with this about the so-called “evidence” presented today:

No need to be sorry when you’re right.

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