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Defendant in Electors Case Hilariously Explains Why the Verdict Proves You Should Vote for Trump (Update)

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Meet David Shafer. We admit that we didn’t know much about the guy, so maybe you don’t either. Mr. Shafer uses a Twitter/X account called, creatively enough, @DavidShafer and describes himself as follows:


Proud father, happy husband, former state senator and immediate past chairman of the Georgia Republican Party. One of the nineteen Fulton County defendants.

In other words, he is one of the defendants in the so-called fake elector case. And indeed, cross checking the indictment and Ballotpedia, that biography appears to be accurate and that Twitter/X account appears to be really his.

But honestly, one of the great things about Twitter/X is how small-D democratic it can be for us. The smallest account with the smallest follower count with no claim to fame is still worth talking about if its owner says something funny, smart, interesting, and so on. We are less inclined to call attention to a small account saying something dumb or offensive, but if we like the comment, it is Twitchy-worthy.

And Mr. Shafer makes a simple, eloquent and funny argument explain why Trump’s trial actually proves that Trump is the only major party candidate you can vote for, and he does it in only two sentences:

Seriously, you can vote for the outlaw ….

… or you can vote for the one found to be too incompetent for trial. You know, because that’s the guy you want with his finger on the proverbial nuclear button. /sarcasm.

Seriously, sometimes the best arguments are the shortest, and we applaud Mr. Shafer for his brevity.

Naturally, there were reactions:


That’s simply not true.

And yet, Joe Biden can’t vault that bar.

Of course, ‘Dreed’s’ respect for verdicts is pretty selective:

Moving on:

Of course, you could have clicked on his profile and seen that he was, but you do you.


Would that be the Constitution that has a right to bear arms but no right to abortion in it? Or the one that has a right to abortion but not the right to bear arms? Because only the first one actually is the real United States Constitution.

Because he was considered too incompetent and forgetful to convict. Try to follow along.

He gets it.

Even a few people took the pledge:


And for the record, the vast majority of the reactions to this were extremely positive. We just aren’t showing you all of them because showing you 100 different people saying they are laughing, saying that this was a good post, and so on just isn’t interesting after a while. So, what you are seeing here is not a representative sample of the reactions.

Finally, we get this:

You know that is fair. As we said on Twitter/X, we aren’t deciding if Trump ought to be canonized as a saint. The question isn’t whether or not Trump is perfect and many people wish someone else was being nominated, but that isn’t the question right now, either. The question is whether or not he is better than Biden. And for this author, that is an easy ‘yes.’

And we won’t go into every reason why we prefer Trump to Biden, but today we offering VIP memberships for 60% off. So maybe buy one and then you can read this author’s piece called ‘Why You Should Be ‘Never Biden:’ The Supreme Court Edition.’ In it, we point out that the two oldest Supreme Court Justices are conservatives and how, if Biden is the one to appoint their successors, we could lose the First and Second Amendments. In that piece, we literally go through prominent First and Second Amendment victories in the Supreme Court, count the votes and show how they could all be overturned if Biden gets a majority of the Supreme Court on his side. Maybe if you are wavering or you know someone who is, this would help you decide who to vote for in November.


Update: One of our commenters who goes by ‘moflicky’ had an excellent point:

What's funny to me about this thread is that everyone who criticized the post knew exactly what he meant by ‘mentally competent to stand trial’. Every one of them did not need to be reminded that Biden skated because he was a confused and doddering old man.

They know. They know he's incompetent. they know and they don't care.

Hilariously true and we totally missed that. We didn’t see anyone saying anything like ‘what is this guy talking about?’ Certainly not in the pro-Trump camp and not in the pro-Biden camp, either.

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