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WATCH: Tucker Carlson: So … the Government Kinda Planted Those Pipe Bombs, Right?


First, the title is not a quote, so much as a colorful summary of what Carlson argues.

We haven’t been able to follow Tucker Carlson’s segments as closely these past few months, but this post on TSMSFKA Twitter (The Social Media Site Formerly Known As Twitter) certainly caught our attention:


That’s a hell of an accusation and the question is … can he back it up?

Well, his guest is Darren Beattie and if you go to his TSMSFKA Twitter feed, you will find him promoting his own journalism on the topic. The title for his piece really sums the argument up:

So, as the title suggests there are really two explanations: Either a whole bunch of law enforcement officers showed a shockingly lackadaisical attitude over a bomb scare. Or they knew it was a hoax.

After all, after September 11, 2001, a possible bomb is a big deal, right? Surely, if law enforcement thought there might be a dangerous bomb, they would scramble to establish a perimeter, keep innocents away until there is an all-clear, right? Right?

Well, as a counterpoint, this wise and handsome lawyer on TSMSFKA Twitter shared a ‘war story’ from his career that suggests otherwise:

Okay, we wrote that. We put it on TSMSFKA Twitter and then decided to write about the overall subject for this site, and decided to use our own post. So, sue us.

But this is what that post says in full:

Okay, I’m gonna share a ‘war story’ here as a lawyer. I used to be general counsel for a home healthcare agency that included a hospice in Baltimore.

One day we had a bomb threat at the Baltimore branch. We frankly had a pretty good idea on who the list of suspects were, because someone had recently died because that’s what hospice is. And as all of you know, it is extremely normal for people to be angry in the wake of someone’s death. It was no one’s fault this person died, but we think a relative was normally, but irrationally angry and made the threat.

And we strongly suspected that there was no real bomb, that it was just an empty threat. But I found out that someone from the company had called the police and asked for them to check for a bomb, and the police actually refused. An officer actually said ‘threatening to bomb a place isn’t illegal in Maryland.’ 

Well, in this post-9-11-world, I couldn’t believe for a moment that this was true. (And that’s no excuse for not at least doing a sweep, anyway.) And while bomb threats i[s] not in and of themselves criminal, directly (at least at the time), I found that in Maryland it was a crime to actually leave a bomb (duh), and it was also a crime to falsely claim there is a bomb. So I got the officer on the phone and said to her, ‘logically speaking, the person has either committed the crime of leaving a bomb, or of falsely reporting that they left a bomb. So, how about you guys come down here, take a look around, and figure out which crime this person committed?’

And they still refused.

Thankfully no bomb has ever gone off as far as I know (I left the company a while back). 

But, when Mr. Carlson says that law-enforcement could never be this lackadaisical? I’ve seen it happen. You would think that when the vice president or the safety of children was involved, they might not be so passive. But I’m really not that sure.


So, yeah, if the choice is between the police being shockingly lackadaisical and them knowing in advance that it wasn’t a real bomb, suggesting a conspiracy to plant these fake bombs … we feel we can’t rule out incompetent passivity as an explanation. And, really, any American who has watched leftist mayors tell the police to stand down during the George Floyd riots or anyone outraged at the delays in stopping the Uvalde shooter, shouldn’t rule that possibility out, either. There are a lot of people in law enforcement who really don’t understand the assignment, or aren’t allowed to do their jobs by their superiors.

And really, every person who didn’t show appropriate urgency should be named, shamed and fired. This is true if you think this was incompetent passivity. But this is also true if you hypothetically follow Tucker Carlson into the government conspiracy approach—if they all lose their jobs, they might just be angry enough afterward to break their silence. And even if they don’t, at least you got rid of people willing to engage in such (hypothetical) misconduct.

We will also note that we couldn’t exactly fact check everything they are claiming in the video. For instance, they claimed that Kamala Harris covered up the fact that she was there for a long time and has been weirdly silent over what was arguably an attempt to terrorize her. But in order to verify her silence, we would have to have listened to almost everything she said. Oh, sure, we make fun of her weird and lame speeches, but this author doesn’t actually listen to everything she says. We mostly hope other people talk about the latest lame thing she said on TSMSFKA Twitter and then point and laugh, often in the form of a post. We don’t think our sanity could withstand actually listening to most of what she says.

(Please, G-d, in the name of all that is good and holy, don’t let her be President. We normally force ourselves to watch the State of the Union and we don’t think we can do it if it's her. We can’t listen to her say, ‘the State of the Union is a state … of the Union. And it is in a state … that is unified, in its stateliness. *cackling*’)

We will say that if she isn’t really talking about it, that is very weird. Yeah, we suppose she wasn’t endangered by the fake bomb, but she was terrorized by it. So if she isn’t talking about it, we don’t get it.

In any case, the segment created more than a little bit of a stir...

For instance, this writer offered a counterpoint:


And another perspective:

The full text reads:

On Monday,   we had someone on the city path behind our backyard fence scream ‘ I am going to kill all of you. Every last one of you f*ckers are going to die’ at my better half. Called 911 at 10:13. 

I was at the office about 4 minutes away. I immediately went to the path, with my ccw. I was talking to my better half while I was standing on the path at 10:22 for 4 min 59 secs. I took a picture of the trail showing footprints and what looked to wheel tracks from a cart of some sort. I took a picture of it at 10:23 . 

After 40 mins, no officers arrived.  When I called back the dispatch said the officers , plural,  arrived at 10:23. 

I didn't see any patrol cars or officers 

I asked to speak to the officer. It took another 20 minutes. I asked why they didn't come to our address. She told me ‘I was in the in the parking lot of the Lotaburger (100 yards away and no direct sight of the trail) and put my window down and didn't hear anything and closed the call’ . If they actually looked down the trail, they would have clearly seen me in my camo hunting jacket standing on the trail. 

Later I reached out to SFPD to let them know that a State Senator is renting the condo in our compound for the month for the legislative session thinking this might spur them to actually do something.   It is now 4 days later and not a peep from anyone

Mr. Post describes himself as a lifetime NRA member, and this story probably reinforces his support for the right to bear arms. We have long said that the gun control movement suffered a death blow in 2020—they just don’t know it, yet. The George Floyd riots and the idiotic Defund the Police movement reminded millions of Americans that sometimes you or your family can be under threat, and no one can defend y’all but yourselves. Maybe you live in a community with functional police and they are coming as fast as they can, but it will still take a few minutes to get there because they can’t be everywhere at once. Or maybe the police aren’t coming at all. But one way or the other, you might find yourself in danger and on your own. And if G-d forbid that happens, you will want to be able to have a gun.

Radio host Wayne DuPree had these thoughts:


The full text:

Honestly this is suspect bro. We are to believe that there was an individual that walked up to two cars to tell them that there was a bomb on the other side of their vehicles but then he walked away. Seems like to me they got out of the vehicle and they didn’t believe what they had been told as the person that informed them just walked away nonchalantly. Would you believe there was a bomb next to you or would you call someone on to check. Also, where is the video of the bomb diffusion? That needs to be seen. #JuryIsOut

More from him:


We will remind you that last we heard, due to a court order, Elon Musk is required to clear each and every post on TSMSFKA Twitter with a lawyer. That must be one heck of a job.

To be fair, the bomber’s face is covered.

A lot of people alleging that it was fake will make a reference to the Reichstag Fire. For those who don’t know, shortly after the Nazis started taking over Germany, someone burned the Reichstag, which housed their national legislature. The Nazis blamed a communist and used it as an excuse to suppress civil liberties and end any semblance that their government was still a republic, but the consensus of historians is that the Nazis set the fire themselves. So, when they talk about a Reichstag Fire, they are referring to a false flag operation. The Nazis set the fires themselves, to frame the communists.

We’re not ready to join the theory that January 6, 2021, was a set up, false flag, or something like that, but let’s not forget the other lesson from that event in Weimar Germany. Regardless of who set the Reichstag Fire, it was used as an excuse to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Let’s say the Nazis were right, it was a communist who set the fire. It doesn’t change the fact that their destruction of the Weimar Republic wasn’t justified by it. And yet, we see the fact that our 'Reichstag' was attacked being used as an excuse to crack down on freedom of expression, to hold unfair trials, to practice unequal justice and even to harm the principle of republicanism itself by falsely claiming that a major candidate for president cannot appear on the ballot.


The lesson we should take from that episode isn’t that sometimes bad people frame other people for their own criminal acts (though that is awful, too), but such attacks on the Republic should not be used as an excuse to end our republic.

Exactly the kind of thing we meant by unequal justice. For instance, if you don’t live in the D.C. area, you might not know that on January 20, 2017, there was a huge riot in D.C. plainly designed to disrupt the inauguration of Donald Trump. And while the Constitution doesn’t require him to give a speech or anything like that, it does say that he is not president until he takes the oath of office. That is why Justice Roberts sheepishly redid the oath when he flubbed it with Obama—so there was no question Obama was genuinely president. This riot was plainly designed to prevent that and could have truly disrupted the government.

Thus, we had a riot, plainly designed to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Yet, while there were arrests, all charges were dropped, there was no national FBI dragnet, and there was no congressional hearings. Yet, what is the moral difference between this and January 6, 2021? Oh, well, we’re sure there is some kind of relevant (D)ifference that we just can’t think of right now.

We normally show the full text, but he really doesn’t contribute much more. Frankly, he doesn't seem to be engaging in the information in any deep way.

That would be Osama bin Ladin’s niece. We don’t actually hold it against her—we fully reject collective guilt or guilt by bloodlines—but it just sometimes strikes us what a strange world this can be, sometimes.

We’re sorry, is Keith Olbermann suddenly against claims that there is a government conspiracy? Keith effing Olberman is suddenly saying, ‘Hey guys, don’t jump to conclusions! Our government would never deceive us!’ Are we reading that right?


Then again, he wants us to forget all the times he claimed that voting machines could be rigged.

Even if the rating can be trusted, being conservative doesn’t mean they are wrong.

We also wondered if former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino had any thoughts, since he would know a great deal about how they work, and he didn’t disappoint:

You have to skip over a lot of ads to get to the video, but we feel that the discussion is worth listening to in full. The bottom line is he can’t wrap his head around it. The most innocent explanation is incompetence, but he really has trouble with that theory. His theory that maybe there was a drill that went wrong is interesting. But we just found him explaining what should be happening, versus what was happening, and what kinds of information we should see next to be fascinating.

And finally, here’s a interesting perspective on the subject:

The full text reads:

One part of the pipe ‘bomb’ story I haven't seen discussed as much is it's use in interrogating J6 suspects

The FBI agents led with asking about the ‘bomber’ when they came to my home and workplace to question me, and they even brought image from the CCTV

They had no reason to believe I would know anything; I was not in the areas the locations the ‘bombs’ had been found, and the 2 hour video I had published from J6 had no mention or evidence related to the ‘bombs’

I can only imagine they started with this line of questioning as a psychological tactic to get me to open up, as obviously most Americans do whatever to help catch a terrorist (even if it meant incriminating themselves on trespassing)

It didn't work on me (I immediately insisted on my 6th amendment right to counsel), but I would be curious if there was any documentation of this tactic used in questioning other J6 defendants

Yes, like much of this, this is unverified. But it’s still fascinating.


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