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ACLU's argument for the Senate to pass pork-filled 'COVID19 relief' plan boils down to woke buzzwords ... and that's pretty much it

Technically, “ACLU” stands for “American Civil Liberties Union.” And we’re pretty sure their mission was actually about civil liberties at one point.

But those days were over a long time ago, as evidenced by their crusade against anyone who isn’t 100% aboard the trangender-women-are-women-and-biological-sex-is-a-white-supremacist-construct train (and other crazy trains, of course).

So it should come as no surprise that this is their take on $1.9 trillion in “COVID19 relief,” and they’re sticking to it:

Thanks for your input, ACLU. Now please explain why we should take you clowns seriously.


Weird and sad. We’re not sure which is worse.


Well, that, and this:


If it’s all the same to you, ACLU, we’re OK if the Senate doesn’t take your advice.


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