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'How is this the NRA's fault?' Journo Nina Burleigh's attempt to blame Dana Loesch, NRA for Sol Pais is a mistake on multiple levels

As Twitchy told you, authorities tracked 18-year-old Sol Pais, the Florida teen suspected of threatening Denver-area schools (Pais is reportedly dead now of a self-inflicted gunshot wound). Pais reportedly flew to Denver, where she got her hands on a shotgun and ammunition.


And for Newsweek’s Nina Burleigh, that’s just about all the evidence necessary to prove that the NRA and Dana Loesch are on a mission to put guns in the hands of homicidal maniacs:

Nice try, Nina, but no.

It’s almost as if gun grabbers like Nina would rather blame Loesch and the NRA rather than the criminal. Could it be because they know that lawful gun owners follow the rules and won’t lash out, while criminals and aspiring criminals are the ones who pose the real threat to others’ safety?

She wasn’t.

How are Dana Loesch and the NRA responsible for that? Do tell, Nina!


Inquiring minds are dying to know: what law would Congresswoman Nina Burleigh craft to prevent something like this from happening again?

We fail to see how disarming law-abiding gun owners will prevent criminals from getting their hands on weapons, but gun grabbers are pushing for it anyway because reasons.

We’ll give the last word to Dana Loesch, who, unlike Nina Burleigh, actually knows what the hell she’s talking about when it comes to guns and gun crimes:




TRUTH HURTS! Dana Loesch drops MASSIVE mic on journo Nina Burleigh after this lecture on ‘respect’

Dana Loesch gives Newsweek’s Nina Burleigh the well-deserved ‘God bless’ treatment

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