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Jaw, meet floor: WaPo's shameful attempt to cover for Kathy Tran just got much, much worse [screenshots]

As Twitchy told you earlier, the Washington went full-on “Republicans Pounce!” in their headline for a story about pro-infanticide Virginia State Delegate Kathy Tran:


As if that weren’t bad enough, the accompanying story was nothing more than a puff piece completely glossing over Tran’s remarks.

Well, apparently WaPo got tired of conservatives pouncing on their shameless hackery, because they’ve done some tweaking:


He definitely did. But don’t worry … the headline’s not all that’s changed. The entire article’s been essentially rewritten:


We checked for ourselves — the piece is completely different. And there is indeed no editor’s note or acknowledgement of any kind that the article was rewritten.

We’ll give WaPo credit for this much: They’ve got balls. Because it takes some serious chutzpah to pull something like that and expect to get away with it.

And while the article as it currently reads is somewhat less puff-piece-y, WaPo still manages to work in plenty of praise for Tran and her stunning bravery — as well as suggesting more than once that the video that landed Tran in hot water was “edited”:

The edited video of Tran’s testimony led some on Twitter to call Tran a “baby killer” or “a demonic creature.” Trump also weighed in, saying he had seen the video and calling Tran’s testimony “terrible.”

She called the use of her testimony by the Republican Party of Virginia — which sent out the edited clip in a fundraising email Wednesday — a sad reminder of the country’s broken political discourse.


So, despite the potential dead infants on her conscience, at least Tran can sleep well knowing that the Washington Post’s best and bravest firefighters are solidly in her corner.

Editor’s note: This post has been updated with additional text and a tweet.

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