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VICTIMOLOGY: Fitness Guru Jillian Michaels Goes OFF on Woke Cali. Explaining Why She's FLEEING (Watch)

Photo by Taylor Jewell/Invision/AP

You know things have really gone to shiznit in California when a half-Arab, half-Jewish, gay woman with a black kid is sick and tired of the woke identity-politics BS. Jillian Michaels has had enough and is 'fleeing' the state, like so many other Californians who just can't deal with the progressive, crap policies that continue to destroy the state in real-time.


Watch this, it's pretty damn good:


U-haul also happens to love Kathy Hochul and before her, Andrew Cuomo. 

Just sayin'.

Exactly. Elon Musk has also talked extensively about how he didn't leave the Left, the Left got overly crazy and left HIM. What used to be Center or even Center-Left has slowly but surely become Center-Right ...

At this point it's really about sane versus insane.

Survival versus destruction.

Agreed. That being said, these former Lefties leaving California need to stop voting for the people with policies like the ones that are destroying California. In other words, don't California our Texas. Don't California our Florida. Don't California our Wyoming.



If only our elected officials would figure this out as well.

We're not exactly holding our breath waiting for that to happen any time soon.



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Yeah ... That's a LOT but Something is DEFINITELY Missing: Part of Biden's 'Drug Cocktail' Leaked 

'Nuttier Than a Squirrel's BM' --> AOC Goes Straight-Up TYRANT in Rant About Congress 'Reining In' SCOTUS


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