Terrorists Win: Columbia University Officially Cancels Commencement
'OMG, You're SO Fetch!' Lefty White College Girls Post Pro-Hamas Selfie and HOO...
Kevin O'Leary Drops a Truth-Bomb on Pro-Hamas Agitators
WH Strategy to Counter Economic Reality: Lie, Mislead and Don't Use the B-Word...
Death by Cringe: Harvard Medical Students Get Dragged for Awful 'Harvard MDs' Song
Don't You Like Your Stupid Prizes? Hims CEO Andrew Dudum Is Upset About...
Monday Morning Meme Madness
Democrats' Push for State-Run Media Would Make Even Pravda Blush
Where Are the Rest of Them? FL Democrats Get Dragged for PATHETIC Pic...
It's Just So BAD: Mary Katharine Ham Reads Latest 'Hilarious' Headlines From the...
Trans Insanity: Six Trustees Suspended From Charity for Objecting to Inclusion of 'Breastf...
UC Santa Cruz 'Students for Justice in Palestine' Basically Demand Jews Be Removed...
'Doesn't Make Sense': Elon Musk Asks Why Taxpayers Fund Anti-American Activities on Colleg...
@CatoInstitute Is Right: 'The US Can't Keep Spending So Much Without Consequences'
WE WARNED YOU! Jacobin Mag Shocked Canada's MAID Program Replacing Social Welfare With...

DOGGONE IT! Al Franken gets SPANKED after dramatic healthcare plea FOR THE CHILDREN

Sorry not sorry Senator Franken, you will always be Stuart Smalley to us, and no amount of tough-guy tweeting on healthcare will change that.

Doggone it!


Just not those unborn kiddos in the womb. Period.

Oooooh, he DEMANDED.

Write a check, Al.

Odd indeed.


What he said.

Al and his buddies think sacking these same children and their children and their children’s children with immeasurable debt is AOK apparently. That’s super generous ya’ know.


Democrats are extremely giving with taxpayer’s money. Yup.


HA! Math is not their strong point.



You MAD, Hill? Ben Shapiro ZINGS Hillary over Comey letter anniversary, and it’s a DOOZY

ROFLMAO! Chelsea Handler ‘misgendering’ Dana Rohrabacher funniest damn thing on Twitter

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