Rep. Ro Khanna Wants to Cap Child Care at $10 a Day
Elon Musk Has an Interesting Theory About the Latest Stories of Expedited Citizenship
Trump and Vance Would Ridicule Jesus as a Childless Hippie
The World Turns a Blind Eye to Iran's Hypocrisy
Joe Biden Was Asked About Mayor Eric Adams and His Answer Was 'Enlightening'...
Blowhard John Harwood Gets WRECKED for Saying Struggling Americans Are Just Pretending the...
Time for Bed, Gramps! Watch Lying Joe Biden Yell About the Second Amendment...
With Israel Kicking the SNOT Out of Hezbollah, Western Nations Demand They Go...
JD Vance Doxxed, Keith Olbermann and Others Approve
'Middle Class' Kamala Harris Snags Another Endorsement From a Rich, Spoiled, Privileged Ce...
Crowd Chants 'Resign' After NYC Mayor Eric Adams Gives Press Conference Following Indictme...
Notice a PATTERN Here? Kamala Harris Also Favored Nuking Filibuster to Pass Green...
Kamala Harris Does Press Conference with Zelenskyy, Takes No Questions
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Karine Jean-Pierre Tries to Campaign for Kamala Harris on Gun Control

'What idiocy.' Brit Hume DROPS WaPo columnist for blatantly pushing Dem talking point that Biden's $3.5T bill costs ZERO

You can always tell when Democrats have put out new talking points because we start seeing them everywhere in the media. The latest, of course, being that Biden’s $3.5 TRILLION bill will cost nothing.


Read that again.

A multi-trillion dollar bill won’t cost anything.

Hey, Democrats and the media say so.


Brit Hume really said it best … as usual.

What Brit said.

Except calling her an idiot is an insult to idiots everywhere.

Become? It’s what they’ve always been.

Basically part of their job description.

Wonder if she cares.



Ain’t that the truth?



‘I like presidents who aren’t globalist sell-out war criminals’: Liz Cheney’s sad attempt at dunking on Trump BACKFIRES over and over and over again

Actions speak LOUDER than words, BRO: The Democrats FRICASSEED for tweet ‘honoring’ Gold Star mothers and families

RUN AWAAAY! Atlantic writer trashing FL to smear Republicans about COVID whooped SO BADLY by Christina Pushaw he deletes tweets and BLOCKS

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