Admit it.
The moment you heard about the tragic shooting at a High School in Santa Fe you knew David Hogg would be front and center trying to make the shooting about himself and his so-called movement to end gun violence aka disarm Americans.
And you knew he’d do his best to make it about himself.
We are fighting for you.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) May 18, 2018
Yeah, we get what David is trying to do here and considering his 15 minutes of fame were running out …
He’s not fighting for this editor and any other legal gun owner in this country, but we digress.
If you were telling the truth, you’d be willing to look at all avenues that would stop these senseless shootings. Not just destroying the NRA. Your political views are more important to you than the lives of these victims.
— ‼️Vote Out the Blue‼️?? (@Bellagia44) May 18, 2018
David has done very little to actually help stop gun violence, and yet here he is pretending he is some great activist fighting for people. Others like Kyle Kashuv have actually worked with legislators to push bills that address violence in schools.
All David does is sit on Twitter and boycott companies who dare disagree with him.
So really all he’s fighting for is attention.
Get ready for two weeks of media coverage of politicians acting like they give a shit when in reality they just want to boost their approval ratings before midterms.
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) May 18, 2018
Get ready for two weeks of Hogg and his gun-grabbing cohorts threatening companies who refuse to stop selling firearms and pretending he actually cares about making a change in this country by tweeting about it.
Get ready for more socialist Hogg dribble
— Simple US Patriot (@SimpleUSPatriot) May 18, 2018
Hey, Shannon Watts and Cameron Kasky beat him to the punch … he’s slipping a little.
Let’s not pretend David knows a whole lot about showing respect.
Couldn’t be MORE dishonest! Ana Navarro DRAGGED for pushing obnoxious LIE about school shootings
VULTURE! Shannon Watts already dancing on graves to blame NRA for Santa Fe High School shooting
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