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Rent-free in their heads: MSNBC runs Rubio drinking water clip 155 times. In one day.

No, really. They did.


#Waterbottlegate entered an even more pitiful stage. As we reported, Democrats and the media (concentric circles on a Venn diagram) were obsessing over Senator Rubio’s water bottle sip during his State of the Union rebuttal. And, boy, did that absurd obsession grow. Folks at The Daily Caller are givers; They watched and kept count so you didn’t have to.

Throughout the broadcast day, between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. EST, MSNBC showed a replay of Rubio’s swig approximately 155 times — 101 of which came during “The Rachel Maddow Show,” which played the moment on loop at the bottom of the screen for more than 13 minutes.

MSNBC’s competitors replayed the video far less frequently. Taking second place with curious interest was CNN, which gave its viewers 34 plays of the incident from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST on Wednesday. Twenty of those came during Wolf Blitzer’s three-hour long “The Situation Room.”

Wow. Obsessed much, Maddow? CNN had a much lower count, but they also asked if a human being getting thirsty was a “career-ender.” Speaking of career-enders, nice job lapdogs! Keep hammering those nails into the Fourth Estate’s coffin.

On the plus side, this offered great mocking opportunities. Mock. Mock like the wind!




Bingo! But, you know, that doesn’t suit the narrative, nor does it aid their Sun God, President Obama.

MSNBC’s creepy obsession is spilling over to its Facebook page now, too.


Yep. Keep exposing yourselves, lapdogs.

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