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Cry Us a River: Maudlin Molly Jong-Fast Laments 'Hunter Biden's Disease' on MSNBC


Earlier this morning, Twitchy reported on a devastating Twitter thread documenting all of the damning evidence against Hunter Biden that has been introduced in his Delaware gun trial. It wasn't just that he lied on his background check. He also left his gun in an unlocked car where his then-girlfriend Hallie Biden (again, Beau Biden's widow which is just ... EEEWWW) found it and decided to dispose of it in a dumpster near a school.


Other repellant things on Hunter Biden's laptop (which is real, in case anyone wants to let Leslie Stahl know) included his relationship with a stripper who goes by the name 'Weed Slut 420,' Hunter's cross-country 'crack odyssey,' texts with drug dealers, and huge transfers of money. 

In a fair trial, this is an open-and-shut case against Hunter Biden. 

This explains why, this morning, leftist pundit Molly Jong-Fast went on MSNBC's Morning Joe to explain to Mika Brzezinski that this trial is really all about addiction. 

Oh, just give us a break, lady.

Addiction may very well be a disease but she is playing the harp strings so loudly here, you'd think Hunter had leukemia or something. 

There's also the problem that Biden is not on trial for being an addict. He is on trial for committing a federal firearm offense. And having a disease -- ANY disease -- is not a defense for committing that crime. 


That argument will work with MSNBC's audience, we're sure of that. But it should not work on a jury. 

It's a new disease. It's called Acute Corrupt Dirtbag-itis.

The symptoms of Biden's disease seem to be endless. 

Jong-Fast tries to play the empathy game, recalling her own teenage additions, but what she truly shares with Biden is not addiction, but that they were both born into tremendous privilege and luxury, and both grew up with almost zero repercussions for their actions (she has also gone through several marriages, like Biden). 


It's a miracle when you think about it. 

Ahem. Hey, Chad said it, not us. (We were just thinking it.)

Speaking of the elder Biden, if his son's addiction hits so close to home for him, his policies don't seem to reflect that very well. 

None of these people, least of all Brzezinski and Jong-Fast, care about Hunter Biden one iota. Their sympathy play is as transparent as a brand-new glass crack pipe that he hasn't used yet. 

And they love to infantilize him, even though he is a 54-year-old man and committed his gun crime when he was 48 years old. 


At least Jong-Fast didn't sell access to her father while snorting grated Parmesan cheese ... we think. 

And there it is. That is what this is all about. 

Never mind that all the evidence clearly shows that Biden committed the crime that he is charged with. He HAS to be a victim because Republicans are mean. Or something. 

We're about one day away from the left blaming this whole trial -- and every degenerate thing Hunter Biden has done throughout his life -- on Donald Trump.

Just give it a little time and that will happen too ... probably on MSNBC.

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