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'Seems Insurrectiony': Hamas Sympathizers Set Off Smoke Bombs and Flares at White House

AP Photo/Armin Durgut

Right after the IDF rescues four hostages who've been held captive by Hamas for 246 days, the pro-Hamas crowd decided it was time to send a message to "Genocide Joe" and the White House, even though President Biden is in France. The theme of the day was red: everyone dressed in red and they blocked off entrances to the White House with a giant red ribbon. They're also setting off smoke bombs and flares.


They're a reason we call them Hamas sympathizers and not pro-Palestinian protesters. 


Currently, DC metro police are on high alert as hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestine protesters and activists have gathered outside the White House in Washington, DC. As they light up smoke bombs and flares as they protest for Palestine, planning to surround the White House. Police have deployed mace into the surrounding crowds, and crews have erected a large anti-scale fence around the White House in anticipation of this weekend's Gaza protest. Video by @ScooterCasterNY


If Biden were in town, they would have rushed him into a bunker like they did with Donald Trump when the mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter protests got out of hand.

You know all of these clowns are going to vote for him anyway.

But we were assured those protesters were peaceful and Trump tear-gassed them.

This would be a lot more amusing if Biden were actually home trying to take a nap.



It looks like they're trying to set up a "Gaza Liberation Zone" encampment in front of the White House. "The STUDENT INTIFADA LIVES ON!



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