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WaPo Passed on the Highly Controversial Alito Flag Incident at the Time

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File

The New York Times broke the news last week that the American flag was flown upside-down at one of Justice Samuel Alito's properties back in 2021. They then filled us in that this was echoed by some of the "insurrectionists" at the Capitol on January 6. The story has been big news this week. The Democrats have even called for a meeting with Alito over the shocking revelation. 


Alito's wife is saying she flew the flag to trigger her neighbors, who, along with their "F**k Trump" flag, clashed with Alito's wife in person and "put up a sign personally addressing Mrs. Alito and blaming her for the January 6 attacks."

The Washington Post reports that neighbors tipped them off to the upside-down flag at the time, but WaPo passed on the story.

The Post reports:

The Post decided not to report on the episode at the time because the flag-raising appeared to be the work of Martha-All Alito, rather than the justice, and connected to a dispute with her neighbors, a Post spokeswoman says.

So the Post had sent a reporter to Alito's home in 2021 after receiving a tip (we wonder from whom) about the flag and decided it wasn't a story.


So a story that the Washington Post looked into in January 2021 and passed on is now front page news on the New York Times in May 2024. That's curious timing. One of their reporters must have gotten a tip too, along with photographs, but they decided to run with it this time.

This editor covered the 2020 election and remembers countless liberals on Twitter changing their avatars to upside-down flags after Donald Trump's election. 


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