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Molly Jong-Fast points out the hypocrisy of Gov. Ron DeSantis claiming he has Christian values

The Miami Herald had a piece the other day saying that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ “full armor of God” rhetoric was reaching Republicans (who are all white Christian nationalists) — but is he playing with fire? DeSantis press secretary Bryan Griffin sent the Herald a statement saying that “the governor is a Christian and there is absolutely no issue with him sharing his values or utilizing them in his decision-making as a leader.”


The Atlantic’s Molly Jong-Fast pointed out that just two days later, DeSantis was flying two planeloads of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe it’s just us, be we think the onus is on the residents of that sanctuary city to take in the refugees … but they don’t really seem interested.


The Island of Martha’s Vineyard … all are welcome here. Says so right on the sign.

Oh, it’s sadistic now to send migrants to one of the most well-off communities in the country and the home of a former president.

Jeremy Redfern is DeSantis’ deputy press secretary:


“Good Germans.” That didn’t take long.


Redfern’s just bringing that up to deflect attention that flying migrants to Martha’s Vineyard is like the Holocaust and DeSantis isn’t a true Christian for doing something so sadistic. Man, 50 migrants in someone else’s backyard sure has ratcheted up the hyperbole.


Editor’s Note:
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