It’s going to be more and more difficult for the mainstream media to explain why the ongoing Kermit Gosnell murder trial has received little to no coverage. Twitchy has been covering the virtual media blackout on the horrifying story, as well as calls for light to be shone on the proceedings. Actress Patricia Heaton was among the first to call out the networks on their avoidance of the story, and while she’s still asking questions, she has company now.
There was more coverage of Manti Teo's imaginary girlfriend than on Gosnell murder trial.
— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) April 11, 2013
Tweatons – Let the Networks and Newspapers Know How You Feel About Their Gosnelll Coverup.
— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) April 11, 2013
Speaking of newspapers, the people have asked how the trial of a man charged with murdering seven babies has flown under the radar for so long. As points out, one Washington Post reporter explained that she covers policy, not “local crime.”
WaPo health policy reporter @SarahKliff has 80+ site hits on Akin/Fluke/Komen and zero on Gosnell? Would love an explanation.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 11, 2013
@MZHemingway Hi Molly – I cover policy for the Washington Post, not local crime, hence why I wrote about all the policy issues you mention.
— Sarah Kliff (@sarahkliff) April 11, 2013
This WaPo journo had 80+ hits on Akin/Fluke/Komen. She explains why she covered up abortionist's mass murder trial:
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 11, 2013
Politco ran 94 stories on Komen. 233 on Fluke. 866 on Todd Akin. Gosnell? Still zero. @DylanByers
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 12, 2013
If you think Gosnell is a "local crime" story and not full of policy implications, you make a great @PPact activst but not a great reporter
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 11, 2013
@MZHemingway I do cover pro-life policy issues with stories like this one:
— Sarah Kliff (@sarahkliff) April 11, 2013
See? Totally balanced. Jim Geraghty’s not convinced, though, and his tweets have others doubting the “local crime” excuse as well.
Trayvon Martin? Local crime story.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
Cambridge Police arrest Henry Louis Gates? Local crime story.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
Hell, I guess technically Benghazi was a "local crime story"
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
O.J. Simpson? Local crime story.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
GIs putting underpants on terrorist's head: Auschwitz II. Mountain of dead babies in Philly: <crickets> #mediaethics
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 11, 2013
.@jimgeraghty Newtown. Local crime story?
— Kemberlee Kaye (@KemberleeKaye) April 11, 2013
John Edwards? Local crime story.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
Fast & Furious? Local crime story.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
The point is that a lot of "local crime stories" become big national stories. You'd think Doctor Baby-in-a-Blender would make the cut.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
As much as some media outlets would like to keep the words “murder” and “abortion” from appearing on the same page, the pressure is on to break that rule, at least this one time.
Whatever your views on abortion, this is a horror story that deserves major coverage.
— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) April 11, 2013
Kudos to Democrat & fellow Alaskan Kirsten Powers for getting the important truth out there on this horrific story…
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) April 11, 2013
In a just society Kermit #Gosnell would be held up an a modern Mengele.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) April 11, 2013
When it comes to #Gosnell, the media has a way of shutting that down.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) April 12, 2013
The MSM treats the abortion rights crowd's slippery-slope argument as perfectly fair; the gun folks' version is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
A doc hybrid of Mengele and the Joker runs a fetal chop-shop on poor women, and the press can't seem to find an angle that's interesting.
— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) April 11, 2013
It’s not too late for reporters to get in on the story. There are plenty of fresh angles that haven’t been touched yet.
Free story idea for @SarahKliff: Obama says he voted against the Born Alive protection act b/c he worried it might undermine Roe.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 11, 2013
Does he still feel that way in light of what's happened in the Gosnell case?
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) April 11, 2013
Obama ignores Gosnell horrors with media’s aid: Pesky babies didn’t ‘just come out limp and dead’
Telling: NBC’s Luke Russert can’t turn to NBC for Gosnell trial coverage
Kirsten Powers, Michelle Malkin quiz the media: #WhoIsKermitGosnell, where’s the coverage?
Patricia Heaton wonders why no Gosnell trial coverage
He kept severed feet in jars but escaped mainstream media coverage: Gosnell trial continues
Brit Hume tweets on Gosnell horrors: ‘This is where the culture of abortion can lead’
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