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Orwell to White Courtesy Phone: NYT Argues Government Surveillance Keeps Us Safe, Earns MASSIVE Scorn

Meme screenshot

You don't despise the media enough. You really don't. They've morphed into the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and big government, and think we should admire them for it.


So it's really no surprise the New York Times op-ed section goes all in on government surveillance as a good thing for society.

Here's the original post from the NYT:

Sure, Jan.

Even Pravda is aghast.

Yes it has been.

Here's some of the Orwellian drivel from the op-ed:

Although Section 702 can be used only to target foreigners abroad, it does include Americans when they interact with foreign targets. Not only is such incidental collection inevitable in today’s globalized world; it can be vital to U.S. security. If a terrorist or spy abroad is communicating with someone here, our government must find out why.

Some of what is found via Section 702 is therefore sent from the National Security Agency to the F.B.I. The F.B.I., which investigates threats to national security in the United States, can then check that database for Americans under investigation for national security reasons.

We agree that those queries raise legitimate privacy concerns. And those concerns are especially acute for public officials and journalists whose communications with foreign officials and other potential intelligence targets may be sensitive for political or professional reasons.

It is also true that the F.B.I. has broken the rules around these 702 database checks repeatedly in recent years. Agents ran improper queries related to elected officials and political protests.


They even admit the FBI has broken rules, but it's okay because reasons.

It's meaningless, that oath.

The Democrat-controlled Senate can blatantly ignore their Constitutional duty; what makes anyone think the FBI, CIA, or other agency will abide by its oaths of office?


Undoubtedly we are.

Reality bites. Hard.

They did, and used it as an instruction manual.

Some people. Trust in the media has hit at an all-time low. Can't imagine why that is.


Bingo. How many terrorists are coming across the open border

Yes they have been.

It's real.

Up is down, right is wrong.

Just incredible stuff.

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