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WaPo connects the dots between measles outbreak in Ohio and — you guessed it! — Orthodox Jews in N.Y.

Apparently anti-vaccine sentiment is on the rise in America, and it’s causing a resurgence in cases of vaccine-preventable diseases in children such as measles and chickenpox. The Washington Post has a new story about the issue today:


Notice anything about that tweet? Here’s a screenshot:

See it yet?

OK, well, that’s definitely one of the issues here. COVID vaccine skepticism is not the same as being anti-vaxx in general. All-around anti-vaxxers do pose a threat to children’s health as well as the health of the immunocompromised, and vaccines like those for measles and mumps and diptheria and polio and whatnot have been around for a very long time and have been well and comprehensively studied. That’s just not the case for COVID vaccines.

But let’s look at the tweet some more. What else do you see?


Why, indeed? Here’s how the photo appears in the actual article, too:

The caption below the photo in the Washington Post’s piece reads, “An Orthodox Jewish man walks with his children in Brooklyn during large measles outbreaks in 2019 that spread rapidly among hundreds of unvaccinated people in these New York communities.”

This photo of a Brooklyn Orthodox Jewish woman appears in the article as well:

The entire article contains three photos (as well as a tweet from the Alaska Department of Health), yet two of the photos are of Brooklyn Jews. In 2019, which, last time we checked, is not 2022. This is the third photo:

A close-up of a hand that could be anyone’s administering an MMR vaccine to a child who could be anyone’s. Pretty generic.

And if you actually read the article, the 2019 measles outbreak is discussed in just one paragraph, and that’s the only paragraph where New York Orthodox Jewish communities are mentioned:

In recent years, many of the measles cases reported to the CDC have occurred in underimmunized, close-knit communities, where anti-vaccine misinformation has gained a foothold. In 2019, the United States reported the highest annual number of measles cases — 1,294 — in more than 25 years; three-fourths of those cases occurred among New York’s Orthodox Jewish communities. Outbreaks have also occurred among the Amish in Ohio and Eastern European groups in the Pacific Northwest.


The article is not mainly concerned with anti-vaccine sentiment in New York, but in states around the country. So why use an image of Orthodox Jews to grab people’s attention?

Subtle AF, Washington Post.

Because for millennia, Jews have been the scapegoats of choice. Who is the Washington Post to question that time-honored tradition?


At this point, the Washington Post — like the rest of the mainstream media — just needs to come right out and say it. We all know they mean it. Just be open and honest about it.

Editor’s note: This post has been updated with an additional tweet.



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