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Trans Hondas are Real Hondas: Tesla Car Owners Perform 'Text Changes' to Fool Domestic Terrorists

AP Photo/Richard Vogel

Domestic terrorists continue to target Tesla dealerships, vehicles, and even car owners themselves. Some Tesla drivers are giving their cars radical ‘text changes’ to fool violent leftists who wish to damage or destroy their vehicles. Just remove the Tesla insignia and add the insignia of a different car company and suddenly a Tesla owner is driving a Trans Honda.


Looks here’s one now. (READ)

Yes, Trans Hondas are real Hondas.

You know the rules. It doesn’t matter what the car truly is. A few cosmetic changes are all it takes. Those Tesla-terrorists better respect the transgender… we mean, the transFENDER community!


Sorry, no dead-plating is allowed.

All kidding aside. If you’re trying to fool someone into believing your Tesla is a Honda you must change the plates. These commenters noticed it like an Adam’s Apple on a trans woman.

Per transfenderism these Cybertrucks are now Hondas.


Seriously, it’s a sad commentary on the Democrat Party that some car owners are having to disguise their vehicles to avoid vandalism and possible violence directed at their person. No one should have to resort to transfenderism because of the car they drive.

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