As Twitchy reported earlier, Spanish-language network Univision aired a much-anticipated documentary tonight about the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal. Many conservative Twitter users tuned in, and almost all of them offered up praise:
Hi @univision and @univisionnews, please please put this #fastandfurious special with English subtitles online asap.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 30, 2012
Univision stressing the fact that DOJ didn't care about Mexicans getting killed. #fastandfurious
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 30, 2012
I have to say, these @univision reporters are brave. Mexico is the #1 country for the assassination of journalists #fastandfurious
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 30, 2012
. @univision special now talking about #fastandfurious guns in Puerto Rico, this is new
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 30, 2012
Univision is single handedly doing the job that the entirety of the US media neglected to do.
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) October 1, 2012
Univision just spanked the #LapDogMedia on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
— Athena (@VintagePrecious) September 30, 2012
Very proud of @UNivision's coverage of #FastAndFurious…. there IS responsible media thank God… #RapidoYFurioso
— ¡El Sooopèrr! ن c137 (@SooperMexican) September 30, 2012
Seriously gringos.. you want to win this damn thing?! make sure @Univision's #FastAndFurious special goes viral
— ¡El Sooopèrr! ن c137 (@SooperMexican) October 1, 2012
#univision just did some actual TV journalism. And there are some networks out there should be ashamed of themselves.
— Moe Lane (@Ogiel23) (@moelane) October 1, 2012
This is a call out to all American journalists who have so far avoided an in-depth report on #FastAndFurious. DO YOUR JOB. #Univision
— vbspurs (@vbspurs) October 1, 2012
RT @vbspurs: William Newell, head of the Phoenix ATF, said that under legal counsel, he couldn't speak to #Univision about #FastandFurious.
— streiff (@streiffredstate) October 1, 2012
"we found 57 weapons ( used in crimes) not mentioned in Congress' investigations" #Univision
— Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) October 1, 2012
Everything indicates that #FastAndFurious arms are still being sold TODAY!!!!!!! #Univision
— vbspurs (@vbspurs) September 30, 2012
Not all commentary was positive, however. A few conservatives pointed out that the end of the documentary wrongly placed blame for Fast and Furious on the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Last minute Univision commentator seems not get the Issue of Fast & Furious. He blames the 2d amendment rather than a government gone rogue.
— Carmen G Pastor (@cgpb) October 1, 2012
.@Univision just spent 1 hour blaming ATF 4 Fast&Furious. They did Barack's bidding by implying tht 2nd Amendment is 2 blame. #tcot #msm
— DocWashburn (@DocWashburn) October 1, 2012
.@mrsomusa @Univision Right. But F&F existed to create popular outcry against 2nd Amendment. They just carried Barack's water. #tcot #caring
— DocWashburn (@DocWashburn) October 1, 2012
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