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Actor, comedian, and secret legal scholar Patton Oswalt is positive Rick Gates' testimony has Trump dead to rights on 'flat-out perjury' (it doesn't)
Sarah D
DAYUM! Kellyanne Conway explains where she turned 'to find negative information about Hillary Clinton' in 2016
Doug P.
ZERO self-awareness: Hillary says Julian Assange must 'answer for what he has done'
Brett T.
WATCH: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange evicted from Ecuadorian embassy and arrested
Greg P.
Monday Morning Meme Madness
CIA? Wait, WUT?! Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh's Backstory and Ukraine Connection Just Gets WEIRDER
What Rep. Dan Goldman Said About 'Eliminating Trump' SOOO Bad People Think It's Fake - It's Not (Watch)
Rachel Vindman BACKPEDALS on Her Hate-Filled Post Mocking Trump Shooting, Plays the Victim and OH HELL NO
Obstruction! Why is Rep. Adam Schiff trying to undermine Robert Mueller's investigation?
Brett T.
FAKE NEWS? WikiLeaks tweets that the Guardian story on a Manafort-Assange secret meeting is untrue
Greg P.
WOW! Omarosa gets some SHARP pushback from a pretty unlikely source
Sarah D
DAMN son! Sharyl Attkisson takes TROLL defending John Brennan APART in EPIC point-by-point tweet
Sam J.
Report: Activists have posted information on thousands of ICE agents twice in the past week
Brett T.
D'OH! The DNC's NOT going to like this CNN analyst exposing what the Trump/Russia lawsuit is '100 percent' about
Doug P.
OUCH! Wikileaks fires back at DNC after lawsuit over 2016 election (and it's brutal)
Doug P.
Ha! Want a 'painfully accurate' summary of DNC's election lawsuit? The Onion NAILS it
Doug P.
'BAHAHAHAHAHA'! Here's why DNC's new lawsuit is an EVEN BIGGER joke than you thought
Sarah D
They NEVER learn! Don't look now, but the DNC is about to blow it again — BIG TIME
Sarah D
Donald Trump Jr. UNLOADS on CNN, mocks 'laughable' program schedule irony
Doug P.
Set phasers to OUCH: Donald Trump Jr. REKT George Takei in SAVAGE back-and-forth about fake news
Sam J.
BACKFIRE alert! Brian Stelter tries to correct Trump's CNN slam and it does NOT go well
Doug P.
Come ON! Here's how CBS News spelled 'correction' after pushing #FakeNews about Trump
Doug P.
FAKE NEWS fail! Another CNN Trump 'bombshell' explodes in their faces; Updated
Doug P.
The Atlantic: Donald Trump, Jr. corresponded with Wikileaks but was just not that into them; Updated: Trump responds
Brett T.
'Slap fight!' Keith Olbermann defends Hillary's honor after Julian Assange finds 'something wrong'
Doug P.
'WHAT'? Julian Assange claims HE told Donald Trump Jr. to release Russia emails
Sarah D.
DUDE, that's GROSS: Conservatives hilariously MOCK Michael Moore and his 'TrumpiLeaks' site
Sam J.
'Blame YOURSELF': Julian Assange calls out Hillary for pathetically blaming her 2016 loss on WikiLeaks
Sam J.
Alrighty then: Lefties go full fanboy(girl?) after Chelsea Manning shares first selfie since release
Sam J.
Hypocrisy alert? Chelsea Manning's release raises good point about Trump-Russia to-do
Sarah D.
BOMBSHELL: Seth Rich sent 44,053 DNC emails to WikiLeaks; Update: NBC News: Family, FBI sources, police discount story; Update 2: Fox New retracts story
Greg P.
Yikes: CBS News reports that CIA is looking for 'insider traitor' who stole secret docs; Updated
Sarah D.
Hillary's writing a book on her campaign loss ... now guess who she blames!
Sarah D.
Poor baby! Julian Assange needs a hug after Twitter denies him the love he craves
Sarah D.
Julian Assange warns of coup to put VP Mike Pence in charge of U.S.
Greg P.
WikiLeaks GOES TO WAR against the CIA with massive new data dump #Vault7
Greg P.
Because they weren't corrupt enough ALREADY: John Podesta joins The Washington Post
Sam J.
Julian Assange defends Milo Yiannopoulos over 'teen sex quote'; Breitbart EIC calls comments 'not defensible'
Greg P.
WikiLeaks, Michael Flynn Jr. blame 'US spies, Democrats' and 'disinformation campaign' for #FlynnResignation
Greg P.
WikiLeaks declares war on President Trump over his tax returns?!
Greg P.
It's not over: Judge orders DOJ to preserve private emails of Peter Kadzik
Greg P.
Could Obama letting Manning off the hook actually be bad news for Assange?
Sarah D.
'Indefensible!' Obama just commuted bulk of traitor Chelsea Manning's sentence
Sarah D.
WikiLeaks tweets 'ominous' message on the health condition of its staff
Greg P.
Report: President may commute sentence of person who leaked classified info to WikiLeaks
Greg P.
Good idea: John Harwood leaves himself out of Twitter poll asking whom America believes
Brett T.
Fake news strikes again? WIKILEAKS source: Clinton email leaks came from 'disgusted' insiders
Lori Ziganto
SERIAL LIAR Harry Reid: Trump campaign 'was in on' Russia's election hacking
Sam J.
Journalists are getting hacker warnings from Google
Greg P.
HuffPo: DNC staffer blames Donna Brazile and friends for taking 40 years off his life
Brett T.
Hey, look: WikiLeaks uncovers even more town hall questions leaked to Hillary's campaign
Brett T.
Hillary lapdog BUSTED: WikiLeaks Podesta emails show Wolf Blitzer a hack of epic level; Fired?
Lori Ziganto
WIKILEAKS WHOMP: Brit Hume SHAMES Hillary Clinton shill CNBC's Harwood as only he can
Lori Ziganto
NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Twitter goes dark, WikiLeaks reports cyber attack overnight
Sam J.