Today’s a big day for Hillary Clinton, what with the release of her joke of a book and all. And a big day for Hillary means an even bigger day for her most devoted fan Peter Daou.
While sensible people see “What Happened” as Hillary’s latest attempt to bitch and moan about losing the election thanks to everyone but her, Daou sees it as an opportunity to proclaim her and her legions more powerful than ever:
1/10. THREAD: Bad news for those in the mainstream media and on the right and left who brought us Trump and want to conceal their actions…
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
2. #HillaryClinton and her voters AREN'T GOING AWAY. And I'm not just talking about the book and the book tour. That's only the beginning.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
Oh yeah. He’s just getting started:
3. 65.8 MILLION voters didn't magically evaporate on Nov. 8. We're here to stay, dealing with the mess created by those who enabled Trump.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
4. The people frantically trying to silence Hillary and her voters are doing so to avoid their OWN accountability.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
This guy slays us.
5. It's pure projection when pundits and reporters falsely accuse Hillary of avoiding blame. We have the receipts:
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
6. Now, about that unhinged reaction to Hillary's endorsement of @Verrit, a media platform centering the values and vision of her voters…
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
Speaking of unhinged …
7. There are people who actually believe #WhatHappened is the end of the line: We'll "let her" have her book tour and then "go away Hillary"
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
8. Imagine these detractors realizing a media company is being built that reflects & serves the beliefs and aspirations of Hillary's voters?
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
9. The prospect of millions of Hillary's voters having their OWN media platform, free of harassment and hate, strikes fear in some hearts.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
We’re Verrit-ably shaking in our boots!
10. Hillary isn't running, but she and her voters will be a CENTRAL force in the struggle for equality and justice.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
It's getting harder to deny that a powerful post-election Hillary coalition is taking shape. #WhatHappened
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
Says the guy in the perpetual state of denial. A lot of people might get tired of spending every waking hour lying to yourself. But not Peter Daou. He makes it look easy! And if Hillary throws him a bone like this every once in a while:
Looks like @peterdaou read Hillary's mind, and many of ours, after Election Night.
— Tommy X-TrumpIsARacist-opher (@tommyxtopher) September 12, 2017
We can rest assured that we’ll have plenty more Daou-ist musings to look forward to.
He’s still going strong:
Admit it: IT'S GREAT THAT HILLARY IS BACK IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Brings everything into stark relief. And smokes out the haters. #WhatHappened
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
Can I roll my eyes any harder at '16 analysis that pretends it was a level playing field and Hillary just didn't properly tweak her message?
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
To anyone flummoxed by my strong Hillary advocacy, it's simple: I help show it's OK to praise her, which is forbidden in mainstream media.
— Peter Daou (@peterdaou) September 12, 2017
We’re not so much flummoxed as we are endlessly entertained.
D’OH! White Knight Ben Rhodes runs into BRUTAL roadblock of mockery for defending Hillary’s book
Et tu, Sopan Deb? Peter Daou clutches pearls, claims ‘elite media boys’ are trashing Verrit
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