Alex Falcone is a comedian and writer who has appeared on “Portlandia” and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” We’re not sure about the former, but judging by his thread today on pro-life advocates, he’ll be a repeat guest on the latter:
This is a change of tone for me on here but I don’t think anybody actually believes fetuses are people. I think they’re lying. There are almost 1,000,000 miscarriages each year in America, it happens to almost everybody. But we’re not constantly getting invited to the funerals.
— Alex Falcone (@alex_falcone) May 5, 2022
Alex doesn’t strike us as the sort of guy who has any shame to speak of, but just in case, we’re screenshotting the whole thread:
We honestly couldn’t care less about the number of followers Alex Falcone has. The only thing that matters is that he’s suggesting that he’s talking up abortion by minimizing miscarriage, and twisting the knife in families who have suffered tremendous loss by dehumanizing their unborn loved ones.
We’ve seen some truly sick takes from pro-aborts, but Alex Falcone’s thread belongs in a class of its own.
This thread is smug ignorance all the way down.
— Peter Cook (@_Peter_Cook) May 5, 2022
And when you’re dealing with a bottomless barrel like Alex Falcone, it’s a long, long way down. Hell’s already cleared out some space for him, at least.
That whole thread… It's entirely meant to hurt people who lost children
— UltraMirCat (@TRMirCat) May 5, 2022
It’s really difficult to see it any other way.
It’s almost unbelievable
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) May 5, 2022
It’s so weird no one would talk to *that guy* about her miscarriage pain, huh?
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) May 5, 2022
'Did you ever consider your fetus just committed suicide?'
How does a human brain manage this.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) May 5, 2022
It doesn’t. Which leaves us with no choice but to conclude that Alex Falcone is inhuman.
This is such a mind-numbingly stupid take. I hope someone in your life who has experienced a miscarriage (or has a soul) checks in and tell you to delete your account.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) May 5, 2022
No one pays a doctor to perform a miscarriage.
Taxpayers aren’t forced to fund miscarriages.
Democrats don’t link every policy in their platform to miscarriages.
Miscarriage is a loss of life, devastating to everyone involved.
Falcones tweet is the height of ignorance.
— Stacy Washington (@StacyOnTheRight) May 5, 2022
We had a funeral with each miscarriage, you ghoul.
— (((Not That Crown, Maybe))) (@CrownMaybe) May 5, 2022
We've had miscarriages and we deeply mourned over each of them. You're trying to delegitimize the grief of miscarriages in order to justify slaughtering children intentionally. You're not only a babbling moron but a soulless asshole on top of it. Well done, Alex.
— Best Selling Biologist Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) May 5, 2022
I don't know what you see when you look at a 24 week preemie, but I am glad I don't know. I would never want to see the world through such cold, evil eyes.
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) May 5, 2022
Nor would we.
every catholic couple i know who has suffered a miscarriage mourns their child and talks about reuniting again with them one day in heaven. every single one.
— Ryan 🌻 (@alwaysonoffense) May 5, 2022
I had a private service after both of my miscarriages. My children buried and I still mourn them. This is a horrendous thing to say and incredibly cruel.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) May 5, 2022
Women mourn their children. An estimated 25% of women have miscarriages. These are lives, and regardless of your position on abortion, please don’t minimize them.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) May 5, 2022
To pro-aborts, lives are disposable. The unborn’s lives have no value.
Even pro-aborts’ lives, like Alex Falcone’s, have value. Though we can’t for the life of us understand why they’ve chosen to use their lives to advocate for death.
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