In case you missed it, last night, GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert “heckled” Joe Biden during the SOTU speech by shouting “13” in reference to the 13 American service members who were killed during Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
.@laurenboebert gives Biden a stern reminder of the 13 fallen American heroes who died during Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal after he FAILS to even mention them at his #SOTU:
Yells "13" to his FACE.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 2, 2022
Well, for what it’s worth, CNN anchor Jake Tapper is beside himself over Boebert’s shocking breach of decorum:
Which “different era” would that be, Jake?
Is this the different era you're pining for?
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) March 2, 2022
How would Lauren Boebert have known that Joe Biden “was about to invoke his dead son”? And why isn’t Jake Tapper reserving some of his righteous indignation for Biden himself, who never misses an opportunity to invoke his dead son in desperate appeals to people’s emotions? Sorry if that sounds like a harsh characterization of what Biden does, but it’s also an accurate one.
I’m pretty sure he never mentioned the U.S. soldiers Killed In Action. Just those, like his son, who died of cancer after being stationed next to burn pits.
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) March 2, 2022
Jake Tapper is the biggest hack in media. Biden was not talking about US soldiers killed in action.
Also, this is the “different era” Jake is describing that is just so civil and nice!
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) March 2, 2022
You know, Jake, for someone who claims to be so concerned about injured and dead veterans, you’re amazingly quick to dismiss the unnecessary deaths of 13 young Marines if it means offending Biden’s ego at his speech. His not mentioning them was the real offense.
— Faye Hausendorff (@FayeH321) March 2, 2022
Should Boebert have held up a piece of paper with their names on it and ripped it up behind the president instead? Would that have been more appropriate, Jake?
weren’t you defending pelosi ripping up trump’s last sotu as if she were a toddler?
— kaitlin (@thefactualprep) March 2, 2022
Joe Wilson shouting “You Lie!”: Awful, horrible, must be condemned
Alito shaking his head no: Awful, horrible, must be condemned
Pelosi ripping up Trump’s speech: YAAAASSS KWEEEN!!!
Boebert shouting at Biden: Awful, horrible, must be condemned
— GeorgeSmith (@WestMIP1) March 2, 2022
Pelosi ripped up Trump's speech.
There are no more rules, Jake.
— john jackson (@pvtjokerus) March 2, 2022
But that's the point…its a different era.
And lets not pretend Biden didn't help create this.
I hate it…but it is what it is.
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) March 2, 2022
The Democrats made this bed, and now you’re all gonna have to lie in it. That means you, too, Jake.
In a different era you'd try to hide your political leanings.
— 😉😘🎉 Just A (@TheycallmejustA) March 2, 2022
True story. And in a different era, he did. Those were the days, huh?
Jake Tapper's pearl-clutching over Lauren Boebert 'heckling' Joe Biden is not only irrational, but it's built on a bald-faced lie
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 2, 2022
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