What even is the ACLU now?
No, seriously. What on earth is the point of the ACLU? Because it sure as hell isn’t civil liberties. All they seem to care about these days is toeing the radical lefty line, and it’s been pretty sad to witness.
Here they are fighting for Texas’ vagina-owning community and their “right” to abort as many unborn babies as they want to:
Abortion is our right. We won’t let politicians force pregnancy on us. pic.twitter.com/tIrYoVp5Pk
— ACLU (@ACLU) November 1, 2021
You hear that, politicians? The ACLU won’t let you force pregnancies anymore!
These people are not well.
They also apparently don’t know how pregnancy usually works.
"force pregnancy on us"… https://t.co/KyCKXJMV0N
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) November 1, 2021
Force pregnancy?
— Just One Strawman (@JustOneStrawman) November 1, 2021
Force pregnancy? Lmfao
— fogg_machine (flim/flarn) (@badfish0855) November 1, 2021
Despite what pro-abortion advocates insist, only a very small percentage of abortions are performed on victims of rape or incest or on women whose for whom a full-term pregnancy would pose a serious health risk. Most are performed on women who just don’t feel like having a baby right now.
And politicians didn’t force any of those women to be pregnant. Because that’s not how pregnancy works.
I don’t think it’s the politicians that are forcing pregnancies on anyone.
— Codename Dutchess (@Jimmy_Stick) November 1, 2021
If only humans could figure out a way not to get pregnant.
Truly an unsolvable dilemma. https://t.co/TKZAHPVFoq
— November Fox (@NovemberFox4) November 2, 2021
Party of Science™ needs to brush up on a few things.
This shit's getting wild. "Force pregnancy on us" is a strange statement. It's almost like some people have forgotten how much control they have over their lives and circumstances they find themselves in.
— Tye Bailey (@TyeBailey) November 1, 2021
And it’s almost like the ACLU has forgotten their entire reason for existing in the first place.
New favorite parody account https://t.co/fBA9gktHOs
— Lord “The Science™️” Kramdar 😀 (@Precliner) November 1, 2021
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